Chapter 1

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(Disclaimer all writing credits go to: WritingHealstheHeart on I just thought this was really good.)

Chapter 1


Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, and Penelope Garcia stood around Derek Morgan's desk listening to him regale them with stories of his weekend 'sex'capades, as he referred to them. As usual Spencer sat quietly at his desk listening and feeling incredibly insecure.

The girls were laughing and making jokes, while Derek continued to throw out innuendoes. Typically, Spencer listened to conversations, rarely joining in anyway, but anytime the conversation turned to sex he really tried to become invisible.

"Reid, come on man. Back me up here. Sex is way better than oral," Derek called, interrupting Spencer's thoughts.

"Huh?" he said looking towards the group staring at him.

"The girls think oral is better, but I disagree. I think sex is way better. It's more intimate and you both are being pleasured," Derek explained.

"No way! Half the guys I've ever been with it's like a race to the finish line for themselves. They don't care if I orgasm. They only care if they do and God forbid they don't finish for some reason. They become complete assholes," Emily said as Penelope nodded.

"You are just sleeping with the wrong men. You chose assholes. If you'd find someone like me, it would be a way better experience," Derek said.

"I'm telling you, oral is immensely better. It's all about you and your pleasure," Emily insisted, as J.J. and Penelope nodded this time.

"Reid, any time now," Derek said looking to his friend.

"To each their own," he said standing up. "I'm going to go get some more coffee. Anyone want any?"

They shook their heads no and went back to the conversation. Spencer sulked off to the kitchen where he began pouring himself a cup of coffee. He was so zoned out in thought he didn't hear Emily following him.

"You ok?"

Spencer jumped a bit, but gave her a smile.

"Oh ... uh ... yea, I'm fine," he said as he poured way too much sugar into his drink.

"You know you don't have to feel pressured to share your encounters. Derek thinks because he's vocal about it, everyone should be," she said with a smile.

Spencer nodded, but didn't look at Emily. He continued stirring his coffee, even though it was more than sufficiently stirred. Emily frowned.

"Spence, talk to me. What's going on?" she asked concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he said again.

"I am not just a profiler, but your best friend. I can clearly see that something is upsetting you. You can talk to me. I won't tell anyone," she assured him.

She could see him considering her words. He seemed to debate whether or not to be honest with her. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. He stared at his drink before taking a deep breath.

"I don't really understand what Morgan is saying," he said softly.

"What do you mean?" Emily said furrowing her brow in confusion.

Spencer seemed to grow agitated and embarrassed.

"Emily, I don't join those conversations because I don't have anything to share," he said glancing at her before looking back down at his drink.

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