Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Spencer wondered what it was going to be like at work now that he and Emily had seen each other naked. While it was amazing and she was completely normal the following morning when he left to get ready for work, he still worried reality would sink in.

As he stepped into the bullpen, he noticed that everyone was at their desks working quietly. He placed his bag down at his desk and started to sit down.


He looked up at Emily who gave him her normal greeting and smile. Spencer was at a loss for words so he just smiled and nodded back. Emily returned to her papers as if they didn't just spend the previous evening having sex. So, she didn't regret what happened and she clearly could separate their extra-curricular activities from work as she had assured him.

"Conference room."

The team looked up to see Hotch carrying his items to the room. They all quickly gathered their things and hurried off behind him.


Emily slowly walked through the dark forest. Her heart was beating incredibly loud in her chest as she tried to locate the unsub. It reminded her of a horror movie, where at some point out of nowhere the monster was going to appear in front of her. She held her gun steadily in front of her as she inched as quietly as possible along.

Her boots occasionally broke a stick or cracked a leaf, but that couldn't be helped. Her ears were straining to hear sounds around her. She reached a small clearing and stopped to listen. She was just about to move forward when she heard the sound of a gun. Slightly to her left, hidden by a tree, the unsub fell face first into the dirt.

Emily moved forward to kick the gun away, still in a daze from what just happened. She looked over her shoulder to see Spencer standing nearly 30 feet away watching her. She gave him a head nod and looked back at the unsub. He would've had a clean shot of her if Spencer wouldn't have been there.

She heard his voice over the com-link telling everyone that the unsub was down and the coordinates to him.

"You alright?"

Emily turned to see Spencer standing behind her.

"Yea, thanks for that," she said slightly out of breath.

"You're not in shock, are you?" he asked walking closer.

"Uh, it did scare the shit out of me, but no, I'm not in shock," she replied.

"Sorry there was no time to warn you. I was just about to walk over to you when I saw him coming from behind that tree with his gun pointed at you," Spencer said.

"No need to apologize. I'm glad you saw him, otherwise that could be me," she said pointing to the dead body.

The two of them stared at the body, unable to move. The gravity of the situation weighing on them both. Spencer looked up and saw a row of flashlights heading toward them.

"Hey, the rest of the team is nearly here. You want to head back?" he asked.

Emily thought a moment before nodding. The two of them walked off together.


Emily sat on Spencer's couch quietly sipping tea. After the near-death experience, Emily didn't want to be alone. After the rest of the team had left, she asked Spencer if he wanted company for the night. She was too afraid to tell him the truth, so she made it seem like another good night for a lesson.

She said after tough cases, it's always helpful to wind down with something pleasurable. Not that she didn't want to play with him, she enjoyed their last rendezvous. The fact that she nearly got shot scared her and the thought of going home to an empty house and reliving that moment over and over again was terrifying.

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