Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


It had been 6 weeks since the kidnapping, 4 weeks since Emily left for Europe, 3 weeks since Spencer was released from the hospital, and 1 week since he returned to work. As expected, he wasn't thrilled with being left behind on cases. Penelope was particularly concerned about him.

He spent most of the days at his desk reading or studying cases. The only time he spoke was when he was asked to participate. She even baked him cookies, but he hadn't touched one since she gave it to him.

When the team returned from a case, Penelope pulled Derek aside and shared her concerns. He didn't think it was much to worry about. He figured Spencer was just in pain as well as bitter about being put on desk duty.

To appease her, Derek promised to talk to him and see if he was ok. Spencer was packing up his bag for the day, when Derek reached him.

"Hey, pretty boy. I need a drink, you wanna go with me?" he said leaning on the partition.

"No, I'm good. Thank you though," Spencer said as he grabbed his crutches.

"You got plans with Brooke?" Derek pressed.


"So, why won't you go with me. We haven't had a brother's night in a while. I need a wing man," Derek joked.

"I just want to go home," Spencer said with a hint of frustration.

"Kid, I'm worried about you. You don't eat much, you don't talk much, and you are spending a lot of time hiding in your house. What's going on? You and Brooke have a fight or something?" Derek said with concern.

"I'm fine, Morgan. Let it go," Spencer said as he got himself up and onto his crutches.

"Is it your leg? Are you upset you can't go into the field?" Derek asked.

"Morgan, seriously, back off," Spencer snapped as he moved towards the exit.

"Reid, give me an hour. That's all I'm asking for. One hour and then you can go back to your cocoon."

Spencer rolled his eyes as he used his crutch to hit the elevator down button.

"You aren't going to let this go, are you?"

"No," Derek said with his arms crossed.

"Fine, one hour. But seriously that's all," Spencer said.

The elevator door opened and Spencer went inside.

"Alright, I'll pick you up in a half-hour," Derek said.

Spencer nodded as the doors closed.


Derek took a sip of his beer as his eyes scanned the room. He wasn't really on the hunt for anyone this evening, but he had to play it up.

"She's cute. What do you think," Derek said subtly pointing a girl out.

"Mmmhmm," Spencer replied as he stared at his drink.

"Alright, out with it. I'm done dancing around. Tell me what's going on with you," Derek demanded.

Spencer looked up, startled at the outburst.

"Don't even give me some lame excuse or tell me to let it go," Derek said crossing his arms over his chest.

Spencer sighed and leaned back in his chair. He knew Derek was not going to stop until Spencer told him. He would follow him home and not let him sleep until he said something. He could lie, but ultimately Derek would figure out the lie and hound him twice as bad.

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