Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


It had been a scary 14 hours at the hospital. The doctor informed Hotch that Emily had to be revived twice during the ride to the emergency room, but she was stable. Despite being in pre-hypothermia stages, her body had no permanent damage. She did suffer one major injury, but he did not discuss this with the team.

Everyone was anxious to speak with her, but they were told that Emily was refusing visitors. Spencer's heart was broken that she didn't want to see him. He needed to see her. It physically hurt to be away from her. He needed to see that she was alive and well. Why wouldn't she let him in?

"Why is she avoiding us?" Penelope said with irritation.

She was leaning over in her chair, talking in a whisper to Spencer and Derek.

"I don't know, baby girl. Hotch said she suffered an injury. Maybe she's in a lot of pain and not up for chatter," Derek suggested.

"So, we don't stay, we just give her a hug and leave. I need to see her," she pouted.

"It's her choice, Garcia," Derek replied.

"Well, her choice stinks and I think we should sneak in and see her anyway," she said.

"That's not a good idea," he said.

"Yea, well, I don't care. I'm going to see her," Penelope said as she got out of her chair and walked to the nurse's desk. "Excuse me, ma'am?"

The nurse walked over and smiled at Penelope.

"Hi, I was wondering if you would be able get me a blanket? We've been here a while and it's rather cold. I don't want to end up sick," she asked sweetly.

The nurse nodded and walked off to find something for Penelope. She looked back at Derek and Spencer who were watching her.

"You two coming or what?" she said.

Spencer jumped up and went after her, while Derek reluctantly followed. They hurried down the hallway, glancing back every once in a while, hoping the nurse hadn't discovered them missing. When they got to Emily's room, they slowly opened the door and peered in. The room was dark and Emily's back was to them. From the movement of her body and the small sounds of sniffles, they could tell she was crying.

"Em?" Penelope said gently.

They saw her body freeze and she stopped making noise. They saw her hand go to her face and assumed she was wiping away the tears.

"What are you doing here?" her angry voice bellowed.

"I'm sorry, but I had to see you. I was so scared for you and you can't just not let us see you," Penelope defended.

"I said I didn't want any visitors! I want to be left alone!" Emily snapped.

"I ... I'm sorry," Penelope stuttered.

"Emily, I know you are hurting, but we care about you. We just needed to see that you were alright," Derek tried.

Emily sat up in the bed and turned to face them. Her face swollen from crying.

"I'm fine! See? I'm alive and I'm well! Now go!" she shouted.

They all stared at her in shock. Emily had never acted like this before. Was she mad that they hadn't saved her immediately? Did she think that they had abandoned her?

"Emily, we tried to get to you," Derek started.

"This isn't about you Derek! It isn't about you at all! So, please ..." she began to sob. "Go!"

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