Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


The following day at work, Emily and Spencer couldn't stop shooting glances at one another. Each time a smile would reach their lips and pink would tinge their cheeks. They were careful around the others, keeping their glances and interactions professional. No one knew that not only had they been sleeping together for months, but they both confessed their love for one another only hours earlier.

The quiet day had quickly turned into a long night as they were sent off on a case in Wisconsin. The weather was cold and the snow was piled high. It was difficult to get around in the ice-covered streets. Spencer had stayed behind at the local precinct trying to figure out a comfort zone and potential pattern to the unsubs killing grounds.

Emily and Derek had gone to the ME's office, Rossi and J.J. had gone to the victim's home, while Luke and Hotch had gone to the crime scene. Spencer spun around when he heard stomping of feet behind him.

"Holy shit, it's colder than a witch's tit outside," Derek said as he brushed the snow off his shoulders.

Spencer furrowed his brow in confusion. "What?"

Emily laughed and patted Spencer on the shoulder. "It's just a saying."

Spencer shrugged, still thinking it made no sense, but decided to ignore it. He went back to the board and stared at the multicolor pins looking back at him.

"How's it going, kid?" Derek asked as he tossed his gloves, hat, and scarf onto the table.

"Not great. This unsub is all over the place. I haven't been able to detect a pattern yet and the comfort zone is considerably large," he said as he rubbed his neck.

"I'm going to go grab some coffee, can I get you two a cup?" he asked.

"Yes please!" Emily said as she flopped down into the nearby chair.

"I have one already, thank you," Spencer said not turning from the board.

After Derek shut the door and was presumably far enough away, Emily stood back up and wrapped her arms around Spencer's waist.

"It's so cold," she said burying her head into his back. "I wish we were home in bed, snuggling under the covers."

Spencer turned in her arms and gazed down at her lovingly. Her cheeks and nose were bright red from the bitter cold. Spencer smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"You look adorable," he said softly.

"I don't feel adorable. I feel cold," she said sticking out her bottom lip.

Spencer gave her lip a gentle kiss, but she had other ideas. Pulling him down closer she started kissing him more intensely. After a moment, Spencer pulled himself away and stepped back.

"I can't, not here. I don't want us to get caught and God knows once I start I won't want to stop," he said blushing.

"I know, sorry. I'll keep it professional," she said.

Perfect timing too, as the door swung open and Derek entered with the cups of coffee.


It was dark and the storm had grown stronger. The threat of a coming blizzard hung in the air. They should've stopped for the night, but they were so close. The unsub was running through the woods and if he got away again he might kill someone. Despite all their concerns, the team separated in search of him.

Emily was running as best as she could through the trees. The wind was howling around her and visibility was becoming increasingly difficult. She stopped and looked around, seeing barely inches in front of her.

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