Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Emily woke startled by the sound of a knock on her door. She looked at the clock, 5:54am. That was 6 minutes before her alarm typically went off. She rolled out of bed yawning as she schlepped to the door. She looked through the peephole, but nobody stood there. She slowly opened the door and a box fell at her feet.

She looked around the hallway nervously before picking the box up. She brought it inside and placed it on the counter. She slowly opened it and peered inside. Her heart dropped. She reached inside and pulled out a photo album.

Slowly flipping through the pages were pictures of Spencer. Easily months worth of pictures. Ian Doyle was back and he was following Spencer. He knew. After all this time trying to protect Spencer, Ian knew. Of course, he did. Despite the fact that he was a psychopath, Emily had experienced his miniscule loving side.

The years they spent together, although fake, had still bound them. Ian could read her, just as easily as she could read him. She should have known that she could never hide her feelings for Spencer from Ian. And now because of her, he was in danger.


Spencer said goodbye to Brooke and left the coffee shop to head for work. He reached his car and started to unlock it, when he felt his body seize up. A pillow case was thrown over his head and he felt himself being tied up. He couldn't move and could barely breath. He heard faint voices, but they weren't speaking English.

He strained to hear what they were saying, but it was too faint and he was dazed. All he knew was he'd been taken into a van and his entire body ached. He had a hard time focusing on the turns they were making, due to the lack of oxygen he was receiving. He was already sweating and feeling light-headed.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been in the van, but eventually it came to a stop. Rough hands yanked him out of the car. He tried to keep up with them, but kept tripping. When this happened the two men dragging him would shout at him. He walked for a few minutes before he was pushed forcefully down onto a chair.

He felt more restraints being tied around him. When they finished, the pillow case was yanked off his head. Spencer happily gulped and gasped to fill his lungs with air. He coughed a few times as he adjusted to breathing again.

He was about to ask them what was going on, when duct tape was suddenly pressed over his mouth. Spencer tried to move and protest, but it was useless. These men knew what they were doing. Escaping their clutches without his team would be a miracle.


Emily sat in the nearly empty park. It was cold and the only passerby's were a few bikers or joggers. She checked her watch and looked up when she heard footsteps behind her. She tensed up when the person stopped moving.

"Hello Lauren," Ian said. "Oh, I'm sorry it's Emily now, isn't it?"

Ian walked around the bench to sit next to Emily. He looked over the open field as if enjoying the view.

"What do you want?" Emily said angling herself towards him.

"You know exactly why I am here. Do not pretend otherwise," Ian said coolly.

Emily pursed her lips.

"So, if you plan on killing me, what are you waiting for?"

Ian laughed.

"Have we been separated for so long that you don't even remember how I work?" He looked at her finally. His blue eyes burning into hers.

"Did you think I would just willingly go with you?" Emily said as she slid her gun out of her pocket just enough for him to see.

Ian still smiled at her. This made her uneasy.

"Darling, I know all of your tricks. You won't use that gun on me anymore than I will use a gun on you," he said.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Emily said her lip curling.

Ian reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He pushed a few buttons and held the phone up for Emily to see. She gasped when she saw video of Spencer tied to a chair. His head hung loosely, his hair soaked and dangling over his face.

"Don't hurt him, please. It's me you want to kill. I'm the one who took Declan from you. Don't punish him for my choices," Emily pleaded.

"So, you don't want Dr. Reid to be hurt for your choices, yet my son lost his life because of your choices? Does that sound fair to you?" Ian said glaring at her.

"Please, Ian, I'll do whatever you want. Just let him go," Emily said as she tried to hold back tears. "We had something special. I'll be that girl again. I can be whatever you want me to be."

Ian looked at her carefully. He moved closer to her as if he was going to kiss her. Emily shut her eyes and braced herself, when she heard a crack and darkness engulfed her.


Spencer heard the door opening and tried to look to see who was coming. The same two men that had dragged him in, were now carrying Emily. As they had done with him, they tied her to a chair directly across from him. He could see blood dripping down the side of her face.

"Dr. Reid, I thought you seemed lonely, so I brought a friend for you," Ian said as he walked up from behind Spencer.

Spencer was glaring at Ian as he watched the, surprisingly handsome, man walk behind Emily. Her head was still hanging limply, but she was stirring slightly. Ian grabbed a handful of Emily's hair and yanked her head backward. Emily groaned as she began to come to.

"Wake up, Emily," Ian said sweetly into her ear.

Emily's eyes fluttered open. She was disoriented and confused. Ian had a big satisfied smile on his face as he stared down at her.

"There she is. Thanks for joining us," Ian said.

Emily lifted her head from its reclined position and caught sight of Spencer. He was looking at her with worried eyes. His mouth taped shut and his body roped just like hers.

"Spencer," she said barely above a whisper.

Ian grabbed a nearby chair and sat between the two prisoners. He glanced between the two with a grin.

"Ian, please let him go. This is between us," Emily said as she became more aware.

Ian let out a laugh. "If only it were just between us. You will pay for what you've done."

With that Ian stood up and walked to a table nearby. He lifted up a hammer and waltzed over to Spencer, who was watching him with fear in his eyes.

"Ian please! I'll do anything! Please," Emily shouted.

"Which knee was it again that got shot? I think I remember that it was your left," Ian said as he towered over a whimpering Spencer.

Ian lifted his arm and swung the hammer as hard as he could into Spencer's left knee. Spencer howled behind the tape as Emily sobbed and screamed for Ian to stop. Ian stood back to admire his work.

"You coward!" Emily yelled.

"Say whatever you want to me. Your words mean nothing. I'll be back shortly," Ian said before walking away.

Spencer was breathing rapidly as he squirmed in the chair in pain. Tears streamed from his eyes that were clenched shut. Emily tried desperately to get out of the restraints, but she couldn't. Eventually she gave up, crying hysterically. This was all her fault and Spencer had to pay for it. She never should have fallen for him.

"I'm so sorry," Emily sobbed over and over until she had nothing left in her.

Spencer had lost consciousness due to the amount of pain, which in some ways Emily was glad he wasn't hurting, at the moment. She knew it would be short lived and Ian would return to inflict more pain. She just hoped the team would find them before it was too late.

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