Came Out (BxB)

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Ivy's Point Of View.

I sighed, throwing myself on my bed, not caring to stripping my clothes first. It's typical friday night where every normal teenagers will crash a party, drink alots of alcohols, bang every moving living things like their life depends on it, sniffing a tons of cocaine and here I am, nesting on my bed, feeling exhausted as fuck.

The reason why I'm exhausted as fuck was because I'm tryna make myself busy by working extra shift at Downtown Bar until one in the morning. I recently broke up with my bastard ass boyfriend who cheating on me, not even once but twice with a loosen up cheerleader who seems can't even understand the word 'taken'.

After found out that they have been hooking up behind my back, I lose my fucking mind and having a mental break down. Two years, I mean two fucking years, we've been together, every bitter and sweet, every single tears, every darkest day, we've been through together and now this is how he'd repay me by hooking up behind my back with a STD carrier.

Nora is a school sluts. Everybody know her, everybody half of the school had bang her, she's like a living rag doll who can't even respect herself. I had heard that she'd even bang Coach Steve at the boys locker room. She also have known as a home wrecker, she would break every relationships on school and now she ruined my two fucking years relationship with Daniel.

I can't keep even believe that Daniel had fall for her stupid games. I know Nora is your typical hot cheerleader and mean girl of the school. Everybody would do anything, I mean anything to get in to that girl's pants. Daniel had risked our relationship just to get to bang a school hot girl. What anything special about her anyway, just a loosen up vagina.

So anyway, I make myself busy was because I tried to forget about Daniel. I'm sick and tired to always crying for him until my eyes swollen. My bestfriend, Trey always being my shoulder to cry on. Everything I do reminds me of him. I really do missed him. Everything that both of us had been through have turned to dust.

Trey and I always been a bestfriend since forever. He always be there for me whenever I had my episode. I used to have a crush on him, I mean who would not, he's a ripped ass guy. With his push back dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, sun kissed skins and beautiful six foots hot body that always seems to made my jeans tight. But he's straight as pole and he doesn't know that I have a crush on him. Trey knew that I'm gay, however it doesn't changed our relationship except for he a little too overprotective towards me.

It's rare that a hot typical jock guy friends with a scrawny gay guy. We're even best friends. When I started to dating Daniel, also a hot typical jock guy, I stop to have a crush on Trey, well obviously because I thought that I had found the one. But it's bullshit. I remember that Trey had warned me about Daniel but I'm too oblivious to fall in love.

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