Just For The Last Time (BxB)

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Micah's Point Of View.

"Micah, please." He plead desperately as he followed me from behind like a lost puppy. I sighed loudly as I making my way towards the closet, pulled out my luggage and started to pack my stuff. When I'm done packing, I walked back to the room and saw Liam crying on the bed.

There still a part of me that wanted to stay with him but I already made a decision. I approached him and sat beside him, before I knew it, Liam's crying all over me. His broken sobs ringing in my ears making my heart clenched and almost kill myself for dared to hurt him. Arms tighten around my torso and my shirt started to wet but I don't mind because it's all my fault.

Wrapping my arms around his fragile little body as I unconsciously sniffed his sweet scents that almost made my eyes rolling back into my head. "Micah. " He whispered softly against my chest before pulled away and titled his head up to look at me. Tears slowly streaming down his red cheeks, lips started to swell because of how much he bit on it.

I can't help but to leaned in and kissed his soft pink lips making he gasped against my mouth. He whimpered before desperately deepened the kiss with his arms wrapped around my neck. Forcing his tongue slipped inside my mouth before he licked every inches of me with his wet skilled muscle that tasted so fucking good making me groaned against him.

He was going to straddled on my lap when I snapped from this wet dream and gently pushed him away. "Liam..." He cut me before I can say anything by chasing back my lips, attached it with his. Successfully straddled on me, he started to grind his hips against mine making my pants tighten. "Please Micah! ..just for the last time." He whimpered before roaming his hands on my chest and started to unbuttonend my shirt. His eagerness really made me hard as fuck.

I slipped my tongue inside his mouth before gently sucked on his pink muscle and earned a soft moans from him. Liam throw my shirt behind him before pulled up his shirt and started to grind his hips again. My hands slowly made it way through the soft skins of his chest and trailing down to his bellybutton until I touched his hard shaft that still covered by his pants. He moaned softly against my lips as his whole body shivered when I teased his tent.

Pulled away from the kiss, I started to made a path from his cheeks to his jaws, down to his neck before I sucked the soft flesh that probably be bruising later. He unconsciously titled up his head as he moaned so softly against my touch when I found his sweet spots just under his ear. My hands gripped his butt cheeks before I grind his hips harder against mine as I keep on sucking his soft flesh. He panted so hard as his arms tighten around my neck to keep him in place. His beautiful moans ringing in my ears.

I kissed him back and let Liam pushed me so I can lay on my back with him still straddling on me. He pulled away and buried his face against my neck before he started to kissed, sucked and licked all of my flesh, making sure to leave love bites on my skins. I shivered when I felt his hot breath fanning against my bruised skins, I can't help but to groaned loudly. He kissed my toned chest as he roamed against my belt and unbuckled it before slipped his small hands inside it, messaging my tight covered balls sake. "Fuck baby." I groaned loudly while he started to make a path from my chest to my hard abdomen, kissed my v-line on his way before pulled down my pants and boxer.

I hissed when his cold hands touched my burning shaft and slowly stroked on it. He kissed the head softly before licked on it like a little kitten as he kneading my balls. "Fuck! " I swore out loud when Liam take my length inside his mouth before he sucked the shit out of me like a thirsty baby. He pulled away with a pop sound and stroked my prick with his soft little hands that I love so much. I almost cum on the spot when I saw his sexy flushed face and swollen red lips gently kissed my pink tip making me groaned and jerked at the same time, how much he made me felt so fucking sensitive right now.

I gently pushed him and made he straddled my lap again. Kissed him softly on his lips, groaning when I tasted myself on his tongue and unconsciously tugged on his pants. He responded by pulling away from me and quickly undo his pants and underwear, threw it somewhere behind him before wrapped himself back in my arms. I easily carried him and made he laid on the bed with me hovering over him before we started to dry humping against each other.

"Micah..please." He whispered softly when I pulled away from his lips and started to kissed, sucked and licked in appreciation at his beautiful body. I blew a hot breath against his sensitive length making he gasped and moaned at the same time. Gently kissed on his head before giving him a mind blowing blow job that made Liam almost cum inside my mouth. I pulled away and earned a needy whimpered from him.

"Separate your cheeks baby." I said, deepened my voice making he shivered against me. Being a good boy, he separated his cheeks and revealed a tight pink starfish that really seduced me. "Fuck." I can't help but to leaned in, buried my face in between his asscheeks. Clicking my tongue against it making Liam jerked and moaned out loud, gripping my hair to pushed me closer. His sweet scents lingered in this area making my mouth watered.

After a few moments eating his bussy, I pulled away to hovered over him,  kissed his soft lips before lined myself against his entrance. I kissed him gently to distract him as I thrust slowly inside him. He bite my lips harder when I already half way inside of him and continued to pushed deeper making he parted his lips in an O shape. Whimpered desperately, he wrapped his arms around my neck and whispered "Faster.." against my lips.

I groaned and picked up my pace, thrusting faster and deeper inside him making Liam screaming my name. The bed is squeaking, headboard banging against the wall, skins slapping skins, moans and pant are only the sounds that ringing in my ears. "So fucking tight." I groaned as I gripped on his hips when I felt his wall clenched around me. Biting and sucking on his chest and neck as I thrusted deeper inside of him.

"Micah..." Liam whimpered before cupped my face with his hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss. We made out as we moved back and forth. He moaned against my lips when I hit his sweet spot that made his whole body shivered underneath me. I sucked on his tongue while my hands roamed against his member before wrapped my hand around him and started to stroked on it making he moaned loudly. I purposely rubbed on his sensitive head and slit with my thumb and earned a needy whimpered from him as his wall tighten around me.

Pulled his legs on my shoulder and thrusting my prick deep inside of him, repeatedly hitting on his prostate made his whole body jerked in pleasure. "Ahh Micah! " He moaned against my ears before he pulled me into a heat make out session with our body connected to each other. My thrust are getting harder and rougher when pleasure take over my body. His nails kept scratching and clawing on my back as he arched his body against mine, clenching his channel around my hard member.

"Fuck." I separated his legs wider and fucked him deeper. My balls are getting tight, his moans ringing through my ears, wall crushing my prick and before I knew it, Liam squirted ropes of white loads against his chest and somes landed on his chin. Tears of pleasure started to streaming down his flushed pink cheeks as his body shaking underneath me. He whimpered desperately against my ears while I'm still thrusting hard into his channel. I groaned loudly when my orgasm finally hit me and coming inside his tunnel, Liam clenched when he felt a sudden warmth flooded inside him.

I pulled out and give him one last passionate kisses and after that I get dressed, wearing fresh clothes that I've been tugged from my luggage before walked out from this apartment that I used to call my home.

-The End-

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