You're Mine (BxB)

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Nathan's Point Of View

He is back.

He is back for real. I can't believe this. It's been five years since he flew to Russia to study medical as a Doctor. I've been missed him so much that it hurts me alot and this year he will finished his study. I can't stand living my life without seeing him around anymore and he's getting old. Well not that old, he just six years older than me, which is he will turn twenty-four years old this year and I'm only nineteen.

I still can't believe that my older brother is back, Ethan. Don't get me wrong, he's not my real brother, we're just step brothers and the problem is, I'm in love with my step brother. It's ironic right? Right.

I still remember four years ago when I confessed my feeling towards Ethan to my par-step parents. I surprised that they didn't disowned me but they told the truth that I'm their adopted son and they are okay with me have a feeling for my step brother. I don't even know that I should be happy or sad with the truth because one, I can be with Ethan, that if he feel the same way how I felt about him and second, my parents is not my real parents. Sad right? I know.

So anyway, they told me that seventeen years ago, they were expecting their younger son or daughter but unfortunately, my mom miscarriaged and lost the baby. She was so hurt and broken but my dad being a greatest husband dad he is, he surprised my mom by adopting a three years old me from the orphanage. She was so happy that time and also treated me like her own.

My dad said, when he first met three years old me who was playing alone at the corner in the orphanage, he felt somehow completed and an urge to immediately adopt me as his young son. So he did, he approached me that time and surprised him that the young me called him dada. He almost cried in tears that time and quickly adopted me and changed my last name.

After that, they have been so happy and not to mentioned, eight years old Ethan jumping with joy when he first met me. So they really did accept me and treated me like their real family and I felt grateful for that.

So yes thirteen years later, I felt in love with my step brother and later that year I confessed it to my parents.

Well it's not my fault that I fell for my brother because he shows alot of effection towards me. He always cares about me and be there for me. When I had a nightmare, he willing to stay up all night with me as he cuddled me to sleep on my single five years old bed and he also the one that always teach and take care of me. Eventhough I'm getting old, he still treated me like a baby brother.

I still remember whenever he would called home, I would blushed when he asked about me. Anyone would think it's normal when their brother asked for their well being but for me, my face would turned red as a tomato while my stomach would stuck with butterflies. I don't even know why I would reacted that way. Maybe it's because he cares about me that he would asked about me because that what brothers should do or because my own crush asked about me because he cares about me. I know that I'm overreacting and there's alot of 'becauses'.

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