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Second Version.



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Kyle's Point Of View.


The school bell rang, reminded us its the end of the school day. I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked towards my locker. I shoved everything that I don't need inside and slammed the locker shut. I picked my car keys and twirling it on my finger while whistling all the way to the school foyer.

I looked beside me when some chicks calling my name, literally drooling and giggling like a bitch. I just nodded my head to them even though I don't know them. I mean, I know I'm hot and popular in this school, alot of girls would fall to their knees for me but I don't swing that way. Sorry ladies.

I was walking towards the parking lot when I saw the silver eyed boy that I really had a crush on, sitting crossed leg on the curb. He look so beautiful, sitting there, acting cute and stuff. He doesn't even trying so hard to impress me because I'm already obsessed with him.

I still remember that day when I first met him, his voice was so soft that I almost didn't heard him when he's talking. We were at the library, he was trying to take a book from the bookshelve but too bad he can't reach it and he decided to do things that made me melted that day. He literally jumped like a cute little kitten and when he was done trying, he stomped his feet in frustration and look around for help. Me, obviously stand behind the shelve, hiding there like a sick teenage girl who stalked their crush, coming out behind the shelve and offer to help him. His face lit up when he saw me easily reached his book and literally giggling when I gave him the book. He thanked me with his soft voice, I chuckled when I noticed a faint of blush on his pretty face.

Until this day, I can't forget the boy that I don't even know what his name was who easily stole my heart. I approached him and sat beside him, our arms touch slightly making him startled alittle bit. He sighed when he saw its me and smiled that not seems reach his eyes.

"Oh..its just you." He spoke softly. I smiled and gently nudged his shoulder.

I nodded my head towards my car and said-"Come..let's hangout together." He seemed confused by my statement.

"Why?" I shrugged.

"Why not?"

"I mean..look at me I'm just a nerdy boy who can't even stop talking about, you're the school quarterback who suddenly want to hangout with me." He exclaimed and sighed softly. "Look..I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be rude..I just had a bad day." He looked up at me with a pouting lips that made him looks even more cuter.

Suddenly his bottom lips trembling and tears started pool his eyes. My eyes widen and started to panicked. I slowly wrapped my arms around his small body and his body started to shake. He sobbed softly as he leaned in my touch. I pulled away slightly from him and cupped his face, forcing him to look at me. My heart clenched when I saw his eyes swollen with tears.

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