Mate (BxB)

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Short Story

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Jordan's Point Of View.

In every werewolves life, they would have their own mate, their true love given by the Moon Goddess. Every werewolves that already mated would have a beautiful blessed life, a wonderful family and a true other half. Of course some of them would patiently wait for their mate and not looking for someone else for their pleasure.

Unlike me, the mateless alpha. I didn't even get to talk or face to face with my mate and he's already looked for someone else. I didn't even got the chances to be his first time because he already slept with someone else. It's suck right? I know.

I still remember six months ago, the night of my 18th birthday and also the day that I met my mate. His name is Levi Shannon, an omega. To be honest, I already met him before but back then I didn't even know that he's gonna be my true mate. Me as an alpha have to know every single one of my pack's member.

So anyway, after the party that my pack held for my birthday, that night, I decided to walked around at the pack house. I was climbed up to the first floor, second floor, third floor...and that was when I smelled something sweet. I can't help but to groaned because of my sweet sugary mate's scents.

I immediately pick up my pace, walking faster towards the scents. It smelt so good that it's made me aroused, a little bit. I almost ran to a door when I smelled the scents become thicker. I take a deep breath, tried to calm myself.

I was going to opened the door, when I heard someone whimpering and moaning. They panting so hard that I can heard them from the door. I had a feeling about something danger, fear and also a pleasure and eagerness. I frowned and leaned onto the door.

"No stop...ahhh..please." I heard them moaning and pleading. I almost broke the door when something inside me click and barging the door opened with a loud thud. And there he is, moaning, whimpering and being touched by someone else. They jumped when the door slamming so hard to the wall.

My mate laid there on the bed, with his clothes pooling on the floor. His cheeks flushed and tears running down his cheeks. His horror expression really got me so angry as if he just caught cheating behind my back. His eyes got so wide when he smelt me, his mate and he immediately pushed the other guy off of him and whimpering.

I can't stand the view and left him there and now it's been six months, he's standing there with other omegas, doing laundry. I can't explained how his expression because he looks just like a lifeless rag doll. My mate really is a beautiful boy with his pale skins, lean body, blonde hair and those pretty green eyes but because of the lack of mate's presence beside them, he looks dull.

Everyone are talking and laughing but he just stand there, zoning out. His body tense when his eyes landed on mine and I freeze. My heart and my wolf telling me to go and comfront him but my mind screaming at me to looked away and leave.

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