Teach Me (BxB)

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Danny's Point Of View.

"Can you please teach me?" I asked softly, shivered when I felt his strong arms wrapped around my naked waist and hot breath fanning against my bare neck. Biting my bottom lips to suppressed an embarrassing moan out from my mouth. His warm hands started kneading on the soft skins of my hips and trailed down to cupped a whole of my hard length, made my eyes rolling back to my head.

"Teach you what?" He asked back with that deep voice of his against my ears before gently bit on its lobe and sucked on it. I can't help but to moaned softly and gasped when I felt he pressed his bulge against my bare ass. I arched my back as I let a needy whimpered when Emmet trailed a path from my neck down to my collarbones and greedily sucked on it while his hands slowly stroking on my length.

"Like how to being o-on t-top?" I stuttered before moaned softly when I felt he tighten his hold on my length. He chuckled lowly making my body vibrated against his before he turned me around to face him. Suddenly I felt embarrassed to face him and titled my head down, interested on staring at his bare feet. He cupped my face and forced me to looked at him as he caressed my cheeks with his thumb softly. His smiles suddenly made me felt comfortable and safe, all the mini embarrassment long gone.

He leaned forward and whispered "Like how to take this big and long rod from the top?" against my ears before pulled away smirking. I glared at him and hit Emmet on the chest hard, thought he's gonna gasped for air or something but instead he barked a laugh at me. I pouted, pretend to be hurt and tried to walk away but he immediately stop me by pulled me against his chest before he cupped my face again. He hummed asking if his question earlier is correct or not.

I nodded my head and was going to leaned it on his shoulder when he attacked my lips with his in a passionate kiss that made my knees shaking. "Jump." He said before I quickly jump on him, wrapping my arms and legs around his body like a koala. He moved us to our bedroom and slowly sinking on our bed with me straddled his lap not before he grabbed a bottle of lube on the nightstand. I gasped when I felt his hard member pressed against my entrance and unconsciously grinded on it making he gripped my hips and groaned.

He clenched his eyes shut, leaned against the headboard and let me continue to grind on him. "Grab the lube baby..I can't hold it anymore." He said lowly with his eyes still close as he gripped my hips tightly. I grabbed the lube from his side and squeezed it on my hands before I take his length  and stroked on it, separated the liquid around him.

He grabbed the bottle as well and squeezed it on his hands. I thought he's gonna jerk his own length but instead, I felt his thick finger penetrated my hole and slowly to thrusted in and out of me, making me gasped and moaned at the same time. I almost cried when he picked up his pace, thrust his finger faster in and out of me, biting my lips when he added two fingers. I immediately hold onto his shoulder to balance myself and actually cried when his other hand stroking my hard length.

"Emmet." I whimpered desperately when he pulled away his fingers but screamed his fucking name when he shoved his huge prick inside of me in one go. "Fuck." He groaned and started to fucked me harder, making my whole body bounced against his. My eyes rolling back into my head when he hit my prostate countless times. He so fucking deep inside of me that I can felt him in my stomach. I never knew this position would felt this fucking good and how deep his length inside of me.

"Ride me baby." He said lowly, patting my asscheeks before attached his lips on my neck, sucking and biting on my flesh. I nodded and started to bounced on his length. "Ah!." I squeaked in high pitched when I felt he hit on my prostate again, my walls started to burned with pleasure. I kept bouncing on him when he pulled me into a passionate kiss. He shoved his tongue inside my lips and licked every inches of mouth, sucking on my we muscle made me moaned against him.

His hands reached my nipples and pinched on it making my whole body jerked but he immediately gripped on my waist. I clenched so hard around him when he hit my sweet spot yet again, earned a sexy growl from him and he started to fucked the shit out of me, mercilessly. "Fuck..I'm close." He growled before he attacked my lips with his and continued fucking me.

My lower abdomen started to burned and I desperately wanted to come. I pulled away from the kiss, grabbed a whole of his hair, tugged on it and started to bounced on him. We kept moving back and forth, my walls burned in pleasure when Emmet's thrust getting harder and rougher that all I felt is only him, his length deep inside me, his lips and tongue touched every inches of my body. "Fuck!"

I let a silence screamed when my orgasm hit me so hard, rope of white loads squirted out of me, I unconsciously let go of him and almost fall backwards if Emmet not gripping my hips with him still thrusting into me. He growled and fucked me harder for the last three times before he came inside me. I bit my bottom lips and whimpered when I felt his hot warm loads flooding inside of me.

"Fuck.." He moaned sexily before letting his body collapsed on top of me, making sure not to crush me. Both of us panting so hard and smells of sex lingeried inside our room. Emmet sighed softly before pulled away, smiling at me and leaned forward to kissed my lips gently.

We were having a hot make out session when I felt Emmet got hard again inside me and unconsciously moved his hips against mine.

Well...it's gonna be a long night.


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