Let's play (BxB)

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Short story


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Rafael's Point Of View.

"Okay, that's for today, everybody dismissed." I stated firmly. My employees disappeared quickly through the door, back to their work. My assistant quickly gather my stuff and bring it to my office while my CPO patiently waiting for me at the door.  I sighed as I leaned back on my chair, massaging my temple, as if my headache would go away. My eyes started to felt heavy, making my vision blured and it's hard to keep it from closing. Rubbing my eyes with content as I keep my eye lid closed and now it's hard to open it back. I sighed again, a short nap won't hurt right? Right.

"Sorry to interrupt sir but it's time to go, the car is ready for you." Someone said, interrupted my napping time as they gently shake my shoulder. Slowly open my eyes and rubbed it to cleared my blured vision.

"What time is it?" I asked my CPO, James as I tried to suppressed my yawn by covering my mouth with my hand.

"It's 5 o'clock sir." He said rather gently. The meeting finished 25 minutes ago, so I overslept then. I sighed for the third times as I stand to my feets and buttoned my suit before making my way out from the door. I nodded when James told me that all of my stuff already in the car, so I directly walked towards the elevator with James follow silently behind me.

"To the club." I said to my driver as soon as he drove away from the curb.  I leaned back to my seat and tried to take a nap again.
After a few minutes of driving, we finally arrived to my destination. I tilted my head and saw a familiar sign. The car is pulled over the curb and James immediately open my door letting my out from the car. I quickly buttoned my suit and walked to the door. Nodded my head to the bodyguard that stand besides the door as I make my way inside the club.

Walked through the hallways to a familliar door. Gently knocked the door and opened it when someone inside shouted 'come in'. I chucked lowly, typical Darren. My bestfriend since high school, the owner of this club, Dark Rose and a Dom Master.

6 years ago, Darren introduced BDSM lifestyle to me and started to trained me as a Dom. Darren have been living with this lifestyle all his life because apparently his father is a Dom and also a Dom Master and he've been trained as a Dom since he only an eighteen years old boy. After his father death 7 years ago, Darren taking over the club and became a Dom Master.

At first, I refused to take Darren's offer about this lifestyle as a Dom but after I tried it once, it's felt so good to be in control and needed, so it's continued until now. I'd never know that I like being in control before, I even never thought about being a dominance or have someone submitted to me. Well, I guess I haven't found my true colours back when I was young.

Subs, well subs is just like a toy to me. For me to be played and spoiled like a sugar babies. Subs almost someone for me to take care of or giving comforts and care without strings. I never had a permanent sub before, I just had like 3 months contract with my previous sub. Hell, I never even collared all of my past subs. Maybe I just not ready to committed with someone, not until I meet the one.

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