Chapter Nine

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=Chapter Nine=
Edmund's Return

Aslan and Edmund are on the rock above camp. I heard a tent open behind me, Peter comes out and sees Edmund then Lucy and Susan came up.

"Edmund!" Lucy says, stepping foward. Peter stops her. Aslan motions Edmund down and they go towards us.

"What's done is done. There is no reason to bring up the past with your brother," Aslan says, before walking away.

"Hello..." Edmund says awkwardly. He looked battered. There was dirt and bruises all over his face.

"Oh, Edmund," Lucy says and hugs him tightly and Susan does too.

"I'm so so sorry Edmund," I say with a sad expression. "I should've stopped you."

"No, it's not your fault," Edmund says. "I shouldn't have gone to the witch."

Edmund then wrapped his arms round me tightly, I was in shock before hugging back.

"How are you feeling?" Susan asked, concerned.

"I'm feeling kinda tired," Edmund yawned.

"Get some rest," Peter said, I gave him a look. "And Edmund try not to wander off again."

Edmund and Peter smile at each other.


It was an hour after the reunion and Lucy, Edmund, Susan and I was sitting at the table, whilst Peter leaned on a rock next to us.

Edmund was stuffing his mouth with toast.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Edmund," Lucy giggled.

"Then you better pack some for the journey," Peter says.

"We're going home?" Susan asked with a frown.

"You are, I promised I'd keep you three (and Alice) safe but there's no reason I can't stay and help," Peter answered.

"But they need us...All five of us," Lucy says sadly. "Besides, Alice is from here, this is where she's supposed to be."

"Lucy it's too dangerous," Peter frowned. "You almost drowned, and Alice and Edmund were almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund spoke up. We all look at him. "I've seen what the White Witch can do and I've helped her do it, and we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

Lucy holds Edmunds hand.

"Well I guess that's it then," Susan says getting up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asks.

"To get some practice," Susan smiles.

"Ooo! Can I come?" I grin. Susan nodded, and Susan, Lucy and I head of to the training grounds to practice shooting at the targets.

"Hold the bow up, make sure to concentrate on the target, and shoot!" I instructed Susan. She let go of the string and the arrow flung a few centimetres higher then the bullseye. "Good job! Specially for a new archer."

Lucy lifts up one of her daggers and it launches straight into the bullseye, Susan and I stare open mouthed.

"Wow Lucy," I say. "That was amazing!"

We then heard slashing behind us, we turned around to see Edmund and Peter on their horses. They was practicing sword fighting whilst horseback riding.

"Come on Ed, sword hand up like Oreius showed us!" Peter says.

Mr Beaver came running up and Edmund's horse rears.

"Whoa horsey!" Edmund exclaims.

"My name is Philip," the horse says, rolling its eyes.

"Oh, sorry."

"You better come quickly the White Witch has requested a meeting with Aslan!" Mr Beaver exclaimed. We all looked at each other and quickly ran to the camp.

I went and stood with Aslan, or should I say my father.

Jadis arrives at the camp, a dwarf shouts out her name and Cyclops carry her. She hops down, and walks towards us.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," She says as she looks at Edmund, everyone gasps.

"His offence was not against you," Father says calmly.

"Have you forgotten the Deep Magic?" Jadis sneered, I glared at the tone she was using.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written!" Father growled.

"Then you will know that the boy belongs to me," she points at the messy-haired boy. "That boy will die on the Stone Table!"

"Come and take him then," Peter says, glaring at her whilst unsheathing his sword.

"You think that a simple threat will deny me my right, little king?" Jadis spat. "Aslan knows that if I do not have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned, and perish, in fire and water."

"Enough, I shall talk with you alone," Father shouts.

"I'm coming with you," I say.

"No you're not," Father shook his head with a hard stare.

"I am," I didn't leave him time to answer as I went in the tent. I heard him sigh and enter along with the Witch.


[Peter's PoV]

It's been around half an hour and finally the three came out.

"The Witch has denounced her claim on Edmund," Aslan says, he sounds like he's about to cry, but everyone cheers happily.

"How will I know your daughters promise will be kept?" The witch asked. I stare at her in confusion, what has Alice got to do with this. Aslan roars and the Witch falls into her seat making the Narnians laugh.

The White Witch leaves.

I notice the distraught emotions in Alices beautiful eyes. Alice sighs, and tells Aslan something before heading off somewhere.

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