Chapter Eleven

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=Chapter Eleven=
Revival and the Battle of Beruna

Peter was on a unicorn, overlooking the battle ground. Orieus was next to him.

"They come, you're highness, in numbers and weapons far greater then our own," a gryphon said as he landed next to them.

"Numbers do not win a battle," Orieus said.

"No, but I bet they help," Peter says nervously, he wished that Alice was there to tell him that everything's alright. The arrival of the Witch's army made Peter shake.

"I take no interest in prisoners," Jadis says spitefully. "Kill them all."

Suddenly boulders dropped down from the sky.

"Look to the sky!" The general says, gryphons were in the sky, dropping boulders onto them. Courtesy of Edmund.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked fearfully.

"To the death!" Orieus bowed.

Peter sighed before shouting out:


And for Alice... Peter thought. Everyone let's out a battle cry before sprinting towards the witches army.


It was early in the morning and Aslan had a paw over Alice, just like that scene in the Lion King, except it's the child that's passed. Lucy and Susan wake up from their disrupt sleep.

"We should go," Susan says, Aslan and Lucy nod. They got off the table and left Alice in peace.

"I'm so cold," Lucy says, rubbing her arms. They start walking away until there was a loud crack. The three look back to see the stone table in two.

"Susan!" Lucy calls.

"What have they done?" Susan shouts whilst Aslan smiled.

Alice appears, sending shivers down Lucy and Susan's spine. She wore different clothes then the previous night, she wore a white blouse with brown loose cotton trousers and her feet were bare. Her hair had grown back too.

"ALICE!" They shout, tackling her to the ground and hugging her.

"Can you stop dying every five minutes!" Lucy shouts. Aslan laughs, as does Alice.

"Sorry!" Alice says. "I guess I love my country too much!"

"But we saw the Witch, the knife," Susan says, confused.

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic a little differently. For she would know that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in a traitors stead, the Stone Table would crack and death itself would begin to unwind," Alice says.

"We sent the word that you were dead," Susan says to her. "Peter and Edmund would have gone to war."

Lucy draws a dagger.

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