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My period was late.  Shit, my period was late.  I knew my body well, and I was never late.  My period came like clockwork.  Isabel had just gotten her first the other day and had been completely thrown off.

I waited a couple days just in case my body was off, but then I went to the pharmacy. I didn't tell Lin anything; not wanting to worry him.  But the test confirmed it - I was pregnant.

I immediately felt joy.  I'd always wanted to be a mother.  Seeing Lin with his nieces confirmed what I knew - he would make a great father.  We'd been careful, using birth control, but of course it wasn't 100% effective.

When Lin got home that night, I was probably glowing because he looked at me curiously.

"What?" I asked, stirring at the pasta in the pot.

"You look different," he said.  "Hair cut?"

"Nope," I told him, smirking.  He walked up behind me and snaked his arms around my middle.  He was getting warmer.  Lin rested his cheek against mine, swaying me back and forth.  "Just happy."

"I'm glad," he said, pressing a kiss behind my ear.  A shiver went down my spine.  He was so sweet and attentive.  I turned in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.  I kissed him slowly and he groaned a little.

"I have news to tell you later," I told him.  He studied me, wondering what it could be.

"Really?  What kind of news?"

"Good news," I told him, looking into his eyes.  I couldn't wait to see him with our baby.

"Hmmm..." he looked at me curiously.  "I'm intrigued.  Can't wait."

I was pretty sure he'd be happy about it.  Obviously, we were early on in our relationship and it wasn't great timing.  But, we loved each other and the relationship was heading into long-term territory.  I could picture myself with Lin for the rest of my life.

Our attention turned to the girls, getting dinner ready, then homework.  I gave Luna a bath and tucker her into bed, then relaxed as Lin helped Isabel with her math.  After she'd gone to her room for the night, Lin went straight for the wine.  He got two glasses out, but I had to stop him.

"Uh...actually, I won't have any," I told him and he looked up at me, surprised.

"Really?  Why not?  Not feeling well?"

I bit my lip, resting my hands on the counter.  "Actually, I can't have any for the next nine months."

He stopped pouring the wine and looked at me, floored.  "You're...pregnant?"

I nodded, still biting my lip.  My heart pounded, afraid that he might react negatively.  He broke out into a huge smile, set the wine bottle down, and rushed to me.

"That's amazing!" he said, hugging me tightly.  "I'm gonna be a father?"

"Mmmhmm," I told him, relieved.  The news seemed to spark something inside him.  He began kissing me insistently, and when he pulled back his eyes were sparkling.

"I've always wanted to be a dad," he confessed.

"Well, based on how you are with the girls, you'll be amazing," I told him.

"And you'll be an amazing mother," he said, letting his fingers touch my belly.  I giggled, excited by the direction of my life and our relationship.

I couldn't wait to tell everyone else, but I knew it wasn't wise to do it too early.  Unfortunately, miscarriages happened, especially early in the pregnancy.  We decided to make an appointment the next day with an OB/GYN to confirm it.

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