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Back in this hell hole.  From one hell to another.  I sat in second period as the teacher droned on and on.  I was doodling on a piece of paper, drawing the Puerto Rican flag over and over again.  I missed Dad and missed home terribly.  Why did this have to happen to my family?  Why couldn't my dad be normal?

I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice the teacher walking down the aisle until his fingers picked up my paper.  He took a quick look then crumpled it up in his hand, giving me an annoyed look.

"Give it back!" I yelled at him, staring him down.  My classmates turned to look at me, shocked.

"Excuse me?" the teacher asked.

"That was mine," I growled.  "Give. It.  Back."

I heard a gasp as I lunged for the paper, but he was fast.

"Miss Miranda, go to the office.  Now," he told me, crumpling my paper up tighter.  It was just a stupid drawing.  I don't know why I was so upset about it.  Everyone just thought they could take whatever was mine.  Take me away from my dad.  Take me away from my home.  Take my stupid doodles.

I stormed out, slamming the door hard behind me.  I stomped down the hallway like a little child and plopped myself down in one of the chairs.  The secretary asked me for my name and I told her.  Uncle Lin was probably going to have to meet with the principal and we'd argue even more.

I hated Uncle Lin.  It was all his idea for us to come back here.  He even wanted to adopt us.  I had a dad.  Sure, he was far from perfect, but he was mine.  No one asked me what I wanted.

The bell to change periods sounded a few minutes later and I heard the other kids in the hallway, laughing and talking about their stupid lives.  They didn't know how easy they had it.  A few minutes later, the principal called me into his office and I slouched down, letting my hair fall into my face.

"Isabel Miranda," he stated my name as he got out a file folder.  "First day back today, right?"

I nodded, looking at my shoes.

"Your uncle contacted us and let us know your situation," he said.  "I'm sure it feels a bit weird being back."

I didn't respond.  I knew I was in trouble but I didn't want the conversation.

"I believe you met with our counselor a couple times before you left, didn't you?" he continued.  I nodded.

"I'm thinking it might be a good idea to set up some weekly meetings with her, at least for the time being," he said, opening the file folder on me.  "I called your uncle, but I believe your stepmother will be coming in."

"She's not my stepmother," I told him.  I wasn't sure what she was to me.  Uncle's girlfriend I guess.

"Gotcha," he said.  "Before she arrives, maybe you can tell me what happened in Mr. Nelson's class?"

"He took my paper," I told him simply.

"What was on the paper?"

"Drawings," I told him.

"And were you supposed to be drawing in class or doing something else?"

I shrugged.  I hated when adults tried to make you admit what you did wrong.  "He didn't have to crumple it up."

"I see," he said, adjusting himself on the chair.  "I understand you're upset, but you're still expected to be respectful of all the adults in the building.  We can't have you yelling at Mr. Nelson."

There was a knock at the door and the principal said to come in.  It was Pippa.  I was so glad she'd come instead of Uncle Lin.  He invited her to have a seat next to me.  He caught her up on what had happened.  I felt Pippa looking at me and new she was disappointed but concerned.

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