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Pippa and I started to get into a routine with Ellie. I usually got up with her in the morning and bottle-fed her breast milk so Pippa could sleep a little while I got the girls ready for school. Most mornings I was out so Pippa stayed home. I took her to school to pick up the girls in the afternoons. They loved showing off their baby cousin.

Everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly when the phone call came. I knew it was always possible but it had always seemed far off in the distance.

"They're letting me out tomorrow," Miguel informed me. "They have bigger fish to fry right now apparently."

"Wow, that's great news Miguel," I told him, though my heart had dropped. The girls felt like they belonged here now. I couldn't imagine them being gone, but now that was the reality. We made arrangements for the girls' flights. I would travel down with them to make the transition back easier.

The girls could tell something was bothering me when I picked them up from school. I was usually talkative and liked to joke with them, but I was more somber and withdrawn. I walked holding Luna's little hand, already dreading being without her. These two little girls had had a big impact on my life.

"Did Ewwie sweep awot today?" she asked me as she skipped next to me.

"She did," I reported. "She's at home with Pippa right now."

"Why are you sad?" she asked me, seeing right through me. I smirked and squeezed her hand.

"We'll talk when we get home," I told her.

The girls got themselves a snack. Ellie was down for a nap so I told them they needed to be quiet. I sat on the couch with them as they finished off their snack.

"Girls, I got a call from your dad today," I began, looking between their two bright faces. "And he's getting out tomorrow."

They gasped excitedly and Luna started bouncing on her seat.

"Do we get to go home?" Isabel asked, her eyes hopeful.

"Yes," I told them, wishing they were a little bit more sad about leaving. That was kind of selfish of me. Of course they wanted to be with their dad and be home. "We booked a flight for you tomorrow."

They stood up, joining hands and started jumping around. They squealed with excitement.

"We're going home!!" Isabel exclaimed, her face full of a smile. I hadn't seen her so happy in months. I forced a smile of my own. I didn't want my sorrow to affect them. They never asked for this.

"Can I take all my toys with me?" Luna asked.

"Some of them," I said. "But not all of them are easy to ship. Like your Barbie Dream House."

"I can't take my Barbie Dream House?!" she asked, upset.

"Maybe we can get you another one in Puerto Rico," I reasoned. It was her favorite thing to play with right now. That seemed to make her happy. The girls continued to jump around and celebrate some more. Isabel was glad she wouldn't have to go back to school here anymore. She'd made so much progress and I worried about her going back to school in Puerto Rico. The schools weren't as good.

With a heavy heart I did the girls' laundry so it would be clean when they got home. I reminded myself they were better off now. I'd bought them tons of new clothes and necessities. Pippa tended to Ellie for most of the afternoon and evening as I got the girls' things ready.

I savored my last tuck-in with the girls. As I left the room I had to fight back tears. I joined Pippa in the living room where she was breastfeeding Ellie. I gently stroked her nearly bald head. She of course had dark hair, like both her parents.

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