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Miguel didn't seem as torn up about losing the girls as I thought he would be. He seemed...resigned to his fate. In fact, he almost seemed relieved. He didn't argue with me at all or try to make me feel guilty for taking them away. I think that really irked Isabel. It didn't seem like he cared.

I helped the girls pack up their things again. They'd only been gone about two months, but I could tell they'd gone downhill a bit. They weren't clean and looked a bit thinner. Their faces were etched with the worry and uncertainty that poverty brang.

Luna didn't seem to completely understand, but Isabel understood fully. She refused to hug her father goodbye which seemed to really bother Miguel. She stood by the door with her backpack on, her arms crossed. Miguel stood close by, hoping she would give in and hug him.

"Isabel," he said softly. "I'll miss you."

She didn't respond and didn't look at him. I waited uncomfortably for a few moments, then decided we should just go. Isabel was having some very complicated feelings, I'm sure.

"I'll have the girls call when we get there," I told Miguel. "Take care."

I took Luna by the hand and put my other hand on Isabel's back. As we rode the cab to the airport Luna chattered away and Isabel looked out the windows at the passing town. It looked a bit better now. Most of the debris from the streets had been cleared and demolished houses had been taken down completely.

As we waited at the gate I scooted a little closer to Isabel, trying to get her to talk.

"Isabel, I know this is hard," I told her as she looked at her book. "But I think this is what's best for you."

"I know that's what you think," she said coldly, keeping her eyes on her book. I reached to put my arm around her shoulders but she shook me away.

"It's okay to have these feelings," I assured her. "And I'm here to talk to you when you're ready."

I scooted away from her, giving her space. Luna asked if she could get a soft pretzel and I agreed. I asked Isabel if she wanted one too but she just ignored me.

The flight went smoothly and soon we were all back at our apartment. Luna was delighted - she had missed her toys. She hugged Pippa and gave Ellie a kiss, then went to her room to find her toys. I wheeled luggage down the hall. When I came back, Pippa had her hands on Isabel's shoulders and was talking to her quietly. Isabel nodded and then Pippa gave her a quick hug. Isabel then glared at me and went to her room.

I sighed and got a glass of water. I was famished after our long journey. It had been an emotional one too. I had a feeling this time around was going to be harder.

The next morning Isabel was up before anyone. When I walked out to the kitchen she had already fixed Luna and herself breakfast.

"You didn't have to do that," I told her as I turned on the coffee maker.

"We can take care of ourselves," she basically growled. I raised my eyebrows and went about my business. Luna hummed to herself as she ate her Cheerios. It was Sunday so we would just take the day to relax and get the kids unpacked. Tomorrow they'd start school again.

"Luna, do you need help getting unpacked?" I asked as I poured milk over my own cereal.

She shrugged.

"I'll help her," Isabel told me. She had been incredibly cold since I'd picked her up. I got that she was upset but I hoped she'd tone it down soon. I cared about her and wanted her to be happy.

I gave the girls some space that day. Isabel spent the morning helping Luna get unpacked and even started some laundry. She was still in caregiver mode. Isabel spent most of the afternoon holed up in her room, music playing. We left her alone.

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