Chapter 1

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Hetalia X Reader

You were walking along the street and were struck by the sight of a man. Blonde, skinny and adorable guy, he walks towards you as it starts raining.

"Are you ok miss?" He says as you fall to the floor.

"Yea I-I'm ok." You stutter as you try to get up.

"I'm sorry but who are you? Do I know you?" He asked.

"I'm Y/N" You say smiling.

"Cute name I'm England!" He lends you a hand to get up.

"Thanks!" You say.

"No problem do you need somewhere to go?" He asks.

"Well no my hotel kicked me out." You sigh.

"You can stay with me Y/N!" He yells.

"Um." You say unsurely.

"Well if you want." He turns around and scratches the back of his neck.

"Sure sounds fun! Nice to meet you England!" You giggle.

"Great." He says while calling a taxi.

"Wow England is so dreamy." You ponder. You faint and see him running towards you as you black out.

Time skip

You wake up on his lap in the taxi. And go back to sleep so the moment lasts longer.

Time skip

You awake again but on a chair. In what your sure is an office.

"Hi England." You say yawning.

"Oh good morning Y/N!" England is obviously happy to see you.

Heyo! Should I continue writing or just drop this whole thing. I know it's starts off a bit slow but trust me it gets much better. Asta La Pasta!

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