Chapter 4

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A/N Heya! Hop you like this chapter I think it's long but, still thanks for reading this far! On with the story.

You wake up on a bed. With Japan sleeping in a chair next to you. You get up and take a look around. Walking towards the window something grabs you. Putting a hand over your mouth and hands. So you can't scream or move. You know it's France and try to get away. Japan wakes up and stabs France.

"I said let her go!" He yells taking another swing at France.

"AHHH STOP!" He screams.

"Why should I?" Japan asks.

"I will let her go!" He pleads.

"Then do it!" Japan shouts. France pushes you on the ground. Japan helps you up and puts you behind himself. France then leaves.

Time skip

"Sorry you have to be so careful now." Japan sighs.

"It's alright I understand." You lay down on his lap. He was shocked but settled down.

"I really like you Japan." You say as you fall asleep. You can't see but feel him pick you up and bring you to the bed.

Time skip

You awake to his chair but not him. Getting up and walking out the room lead you to finding Japan eating breakfast. He waves you over to sit next to him. An empty chair with a plate full of food you rush over and start eating.

Time skip

"Well what do you wanna do now?" France says in the back of your head.

"Well I will be right back don't get into trouble." Japan says smiling. Just then you wander into a garden outside. And see a guy screaming.

"Japan help me Help me!!!" The guy screams.

"Huh?" You wonder what's wrong.

"Italy it's ok Germany's not here calm down." Japan says calming Italy down.

"Italy? Wait are the these guys countries?" You wonder.

"Y/N!" Japan shouts in a panic.

"What's wrong?" You say as you run over.

"Sorry I just thought you left..." He confesses.

"Hi Y/N Japan told-a me about you!" Italy says traditionally kissing you on the cheeks.

"Oh really?" You blush.

"Yes yes! A lot-a in fact!" Italy yelled.

"Oh Japan" you say looking up at him.

"Well how's Germany?" Japan asks trying to change the subject.

"Oh he's-a mad cause my (favorite animal) (hurtful adj.) him!" Italy sighed.

"Aww a (favorite animal)?!?" You say because you love (favorite animal).

"Yep!" Italy says smiling a usual.

"Hello Y/N did you forget about me?" It was Russia.

"Uh I-I" you stutter.

"Well?" He tilts his head.

I'm sorry I wrote this in bold on accident. Asta la pasta!

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