Chapter 3

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Once he was done he took your hand and ran down the hall. Your not sure why but he jumped out the window. Covering you with his body.

"Run and don't look back!" He yelled.

"But England!" You shout.

"Go Now!" He pushes you forward. You run and run until you come across a girl.

"You have to help me England and Russia are-" Your getting used to being cut off.

"Oh hi welcome to my town you are?" It was a guy.

"I'm Y/N." You blush.

"Oh nice I'm Japan. And what about Russia and England?" He says calmly.

"They are fighting over me!" You start to tear up. He steps back when France jumps in front of you.

"Since your alone!" He looks at your _______. He grabs you, your just frozen stiff. You soon see Japan with his katana.

"Just let go of her!" He yells.

"Fine!" He glares at you and throws you on the ground.

"Ouch!" You black out. From hitting your head.

Well there goes another chapter I hope whoever is reading is having a wonderful time. I'm sorry you hit the ground though you ok? Oh well... Asta La Pasta!

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