Chapter 8

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My My. I haven't come along way have I? I tried so hard to keep this book going. But, I'm just too lazy. I have decided to in one shot end this story.

There may or may not be a sequel.


"I love you so much!" You screamed.

"Who took you here?"



"Never mind."

"Ok" You two were about to kiss when you were interrupted.

"Y/N! Your-a ok!" Italy shouted. Japan stepped back into the shadows.

"Y/N!!!" Britain yelled.

"Britain?" You were shocked he kissed and grabbed you. He again ran off with you.

"Just stop struggling dear I know you like me." Britain smirked.

"Shut up!" You yelled.

"No" just a simple no he replied.

"Just let me go Britain!" You screamed.


Britain took you to his home and put you on the same chair. As when you first met him... When you loved him.

"Kiss me." Britain stated.

"What no!" You shouted.

"I'll go get France!" He threatened.

"No please he's a perve." You cried.

"Then come on love kiss me." He pleaded.

"No never. I rather kiss Canada!" You yelled.

"No problem love." He started to call Canada and left the room.

You were tied to the chair so you couldn't move.

"Y/N!" It was Canada.


"Yea I'm here cause I just felt something that told me to get you."

"But how did you know I was here."

"I took a wrong turn and saw you in the window."

"Well help me!"

"Of course."

Time skip

You two get out of there safely. Canada didn't return you home because he afraid of something happening to you.

Time skip

Britain's POV

"Damn it!" He yelled.

"Why won't Canada answer!"

"Wanker...oh well."

"Y/N you ok."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why why not again!!" He screamed. And went off to find you.

Time skip

"Canada?" You ask

"Yes Y/N?"

"I don't know how to thank you for saving me back there."

"Just keep smiling and that's enough."

"Oh no am I falling for Canada?" You thought to yourself.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Oh nothing." You blush.

"Ok then." He says.

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