You Let England Kiss You

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If you have chosen to let England kiss you. Then read on!

If not skip this chapter.

"I love you never forget." He held you tighter.

"I won't." You feel wet tears down your face. Confused knowing they weren't yours you look up. Only to see Britain crying.

"I'm sorry it's just your so cute." He says followed by a sniffle.

"You are too England." You say wiping off the tears.

"Fuck I wish I could stay forever." You say loud.

"No swearing poppet." A voice called.

"Oh no." Britain says before knocked out.

"Your next."

"Wha-" something hard hits your head immediately knocking you out. (If your clueless it's Oliver.)

Evil cupcake Time skip

"Where am I?" You ask looking around some sort of basement. "Oh I'm sorry poppet I'm Oliver and your in my house." Oliver grins.

"What do you mean?" You ask. Oliver walks out the room. Leaving you clueless.

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