Chapter 9

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Hello! Well you have made it to the so called. End. Sadly the journey has stopped short. Enough of my blabbering.


What does Oliver want? Time skip.

"Ollie?" You ask confused.

"Oh well that's cute. You know my name." Oliver chuckles.

"Yea I sure as hell know my kidnapper." You turn away. You start to tear up thinking wether you will survive or not.

"Are you ok dearie?" He asks with a genuinely concerned look.

"Y-Y-Yea I'm fine. It's just..." You stutter.

"What what is it." He wonders.

"Am I going to die if I stay." You choke.

He pulls you close pressing a knife on your neck. "It depends poppet."

"It's ok I won't leave you Ollie." You gasp.

"In that case I'm sorry for overreacting." He says putting away the knife.

"What exactly do I have that you want?" You ask worried about the answer.

"Oh well dearie... You sure are beautiful... And you would be a great servant..." He continues but you stopped listening.

"Ollie..." You stop talking.

"Yes poppet?" He wonders.

"What would happen is I refuse?" You ask with curiosity.

"Well are you sure about that question?" He smirks.

"What do you mean?" You were confused.

"Are you going to refuse?"


"You die if you refuse."

"What is it I have to do master." You choke.

"Nothing at the moment poppet..." He smiles and leaves the room.

"Wait!" You shout running after him.

"Yes Y/N?" He responds.

"It's just will I ever be able to leave?" That wasn't your question but you froze.

"To be honest Y/N I'm afraid you may not ever leave, because I-I mean someone loves you." He says quickly left leaving you behind.

"I just want to go home. How did I get here in the first place." You silently cry.

"Oh that's right I fell for that stupid Brit." You argue with yourself.

"But I thought you loved me. Not anymore?" You turn to see a certain Englishman.

"Ugh not you." You say trying to act tough.

"Y/N. I love you. But I can't stand the way you brush me off."


"You seem like the nicest girl I've ever met. Accept one thing. You're the worst. You're bossy. You're pushy. I really could go on about the negativity you send to me. Would you not be such a bitch all the time." He ends with a sigh.

"How could you." You turn away.


"How could you say those things you heartless wanker!" You scream.


"Don't you dare call me by my first name!"

"Miss. L/N (Last name)."

"Yes sir how may I help you?"

"Will you kiss me?"

"Well the hell! I would never!"

"Oh great. You leave me only to use force."


"I'm sorry miss L/N." He says grabbing on to you waste.


"Shhh dear." He sinks his nails into your skin. Passionately melting you into a never ending kiss.

"Get off me!" You scream pushing him away.

"What's wrong Y/N?" It was Ollie. "Ollie?" Says Britain.

"Ollie pleas save me. This guy is insane!" You run behind Oliver.

"Now now Y/N. Who told you I wasn't insane?" He says pressing a knife on your neck.

"Ollie please let her go." Britain demands calmly.

"She's mine." Ollie states backing up ever so slowly.

"Come-on. Oliver Kirkland. Hand her over." He says stepping closer.

"I will slice her throat. I'm not afraid." Says Ollie.

"But she is!" Britain yells.

"Ple-" Oliver chokes you, restricting your speaking skills.

"What is wrong with you!" Britain shouts pushing Oliver onto the ground.

"Sto-" You are cut off,
Because the blade has sliced a deep cut in your neck.

"You bastard!" Britain's words portray exactly what Oliver was. That made you smile a bit.

"See? She's fine." You can hear bits and pieces of the two personalities conversation.

"Please stop Arthur! You aren't even doing anything!" You hear Ollie say.

"What do you mean? You stabbed her!!" Yells so called Arthur.

"We need to call an ambulance!" Arthur adds.

"No they will ask what happened. And I'm not ready for prison!" Oliver cries.

"We must!" Arthur screams.

"Guys *cough* I'm fine really." You say weakly.

"Y/N!" They yell in unison.

"Y-Yea?" You stutter.

"Are you alright!" Screams Arthur.

"No I'm not fucking alright. I have a slit in my neck!" You yell back.

"Yea Arthur you idiot. Help her!" Yells Oliver.

"No I'm quite fine." You say starting to levitate up in the air slowly to your feet.

"What th-" Oliver contributes.

"I'm magic. Stupid." Shouts Arthur.

"Hey Britain?" You ask.

"Yes Y/N?" He answers.

"I choose you." You state.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I love you." You whisper.

"Y/N?" He questions.

"Yes?" "This is the perfect time..."

"For what?" You wonder.

He then kneels down on one knee. "Y/N? Will you marry me?"


"Nope!" The axis swoops down and takes you away in their helicopter.

"No I need Arthur!!!" You scream.

"No Y/N he is a bad man." Says Germany.

"Sure but I love him." You state and throw yourself out of the copter.

"I will see you in the afterlife. This world is full of idiots." You whisper before you smack the ground.

Ouch! Such a brutal ending. Sure enough I will probably write a sequel where like you don't actually jump. And other stuff like that. See you then! Hmm. This ending went a lot better in my head. :P

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