Chapter 2

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"Y/N there are some clothes for you over there." He says pointing to a pile of clothes.

"Well thanks England." You say happily. He smiles back at you. You walk through a hall and find a room to change in. You finished up and come across not England but a blonde, Skinny guy with a purple coat.

"Hello Misère" He says as he kisses your hand.

"Oh hi and you are?" You ask.

"Well I'm here to see England." He responds.

"Bu-" He cuts you off.

"By thé way I'm France. And you are?"

"I'm-" England cuts you off.

"She's Y/N and she's taken!" He shouts at France.

"We'll see?" He turns to you.

"Who do you pick? Y/N?" He says sweetly.

"Well she of course would like a hero!" A voice shouts.

"America what are you doing here!!" England and France shout at America.

"Well when there's a cute girl I'm there!" He smiles at you. You smile back.

"Well Y/N?!?" England looks at you.

"Well I lik-" again you get cut off.

"Well what about me?" A voice says. Your getting sick of this.

"AHHHHH Get Me Away!!!" England screams.

"Russia's my name Y/N is yours right?" He smiles and shakes your hand. Nearly crushing it.

"Ouch!" You squeal.

"Oh I'm sorry." You soon see everyone else ran away.

"So do you like me?" Russia asks.

"Well" You stop to check if anyone was gonna cut you off.

"I" once again you get cut off. "I love you!" England grabs and kisses you. You let him cause you really don't care anymore.

Well how did I do? I didn't put my best effort sorry... But I got another chapter did I not? Please if you find any mistakes tell me. It will help with my writings. Thanks for reading! Asta La Pasta!

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