Chapter 9

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I just stood there, my breath was currently his! What he just said made me freeze on my spot. He just smirked, the crowd died off since the bell rang meaning the second class has started. It was really bare in the halls now.

"Your invited to yoongi a party, be there or you'll be punished"

He let go of my waist and walked away with his friends and Nancy cane over to me.

"Oh my god I'm sorry I couldn't help, Chen was holding me"

"It's fine, don't worry about it"

"Let's just get a head start to the cafeteria"

We walked to the cafeteria and got there before the bell rang. Nancy got the table and j got the food we then waited for eunha and Wendy to come which didn't take that long. They sat down and we told them the gossip.

"Jesus, he doesn't seem to leave you alone does he?"

"Yeah Jesus it's kinda like a stalker isn't it?!"

We went out to the yard. Edawn came up to us.

"I heard about what happened at second period you ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok..."

"He's such a pervert"

We laughed at what he said. Then a pair of strong arms snaked around my waist. I turned my head to see a really phased taehyung.

"Hey baby I thought I told you to stay away from him?"


I tried to speak but taehyung butted in.

"Please stay away from my girlfriend I don't want people like you going near her or her friends"

Edawn was taken aback and was kinda pissed.

"Prove that she is your girlfriend"

He turned me around and smashed his lips on mine, he tried to feel me up but I guess he realised that he was at school and stopped on my butt. He pulled away smirking.

"Does that prove it?"

Edawn turned around and swung back round and punched me in my stomach. I fell on the ground in agony.


The girls rushed over to me.

"Shit y/n are you ok?"

"Yep 100% girls"

Taehyung came over and knelt down and picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my hands around his kneel out of instinct and he took me to the nurses office and the girls followed behind. I groaned when he put me down in the bed. The nurse hurried over and asked what happened. Taehyung said that Edawn came over and punched me out of jealousy. She Felt my stomach and she told me it wasn't damaged it was just that I just ate and the punch was hard. She let me go with an Excuse note and we all went back to class, me and Nancy were in art so we were happy.
End of school and me and Nancy got out of the class and started walking home, p.e tomorrow. The thing is p.e is ok it's just that we have to do a fitness test at the start of the year after Halloween break after the Easter break and Christmas break and all that, the thing I hate the most is the bleep test, if you don't do it I'll just let you know that you are very lucky. In our school p.e is split up, so the girls and boys are split up most of the time unless there is no room.


I changed for p.e, it's after lunch and me and Nancy are waiting for the rest to finish so we can go down and start and get this over with. When the other girls finished our p.e teacher came in and took the role, then we went down to the sports hall. The boys were in the gym that looks down on the sports hall....yay...Chen and taehyung are in there!!!!! And they are going to see me do sit ups and a jump test. I'll just tell you all that goes on in the fitness test.

If you don't know any look them up
•sit up test
•jump test
•strength test
•bleep test
•sit and reach rest
•sprint test(going back and forth between a small distance)

First me and Nancy partnered up and got a mat for the sit ups, she told me to go first so I got down and she held my feet so I wouldn't loose balance or that, then once we were all ready the teacher started the timer for 30minuites and we started doing the sit-ups, I was going good but I did have a painful stitch in re left side of my stomach, Nancy was counting for me-59,60,61,52,63,63...

"My stomach is going to split open anytime soon"

"Hahaha...can't wait to see that"

We both laughed which probably didn't help my stomach but the timer ended and we stopped, I got 67. The teacher asked for all our scores and I was second place. When Nancy was finished she did the same as me, but this time she was first.
The jump test was easy enough I got, 400 and Nancy got 600.........
Now it was time for the moment we dreaded and we cleared everything and we were split into groups, me and Nancy were luckily together. We didn't notice that the boys were up against the glass watching us and at the front, taehyung, Chen, jungkook and jimin...Yeah jungkook and jimins class are in our p.e class.

"Alright girls start stretching and practice your breathing"

Me and Nancy were doing loads of stretches just to make sure I don't lose a limb during the test.

"I'll drop out on the tenth round,"

"Oh yep same here, oh wait no I'll be dead on the seventh round"

I laughed at Nancy's remark but we were Interrupted by the teacher who told us to get to our places, she started the bleep thingy noise maker. The first round, me and Nancy took it easy by jogging when other girls were running, they were going to run out of energy quicker.....
A few minutes passed and a lot of girls have dropped out, still a good handfull left including me and Nancy.
Another good six minutes went by and I'm on 68 that's 680m if your asking. The only moisture in my throat is the saliva I keep swallowing to keep me going, and i sometimes feel like I'm going to throw up.
Oh HELL NAH! Six girls all dropped out at 1700m and I'm not quitting, me and Nancy and four other girls and we are still in there! Nancy and I are the only ones from our class so we are getting cheered on by other girls and that's the only thing keeping my very weak legs up. Right! Nancy has dropped out at 3900 and it's just me and a girl from a different class, she's nice though so...the shouting from both the boys watching and Nancy and the other girls from my class. BLEEP a jogged back, but the bleeps get shorter so as soon as I turned around it bleeped again and off I went, and Jesus am I thirsty...
Woo!!!!4000 and I'm still in with the it her girl, my legs are fucking numb, that's the only way of explaining it aswell as a painful as hell stitch. BLEEP back we went again, but the girl didn't stop when we got to this line. She walked over to the teacher and got her metres and collapsed onto the bench and started gulping down her water.


That is all I can hear, the teacher told me that I'm going to have to sprint the last ones so as soon as I got up to the line I turned around, the bleep went and I sprinted as fast as my weak legs and stitch stomach would allow, the bleep went again and sprint and thank hell I finished and with my red face I walked past my teacher giving her a high five and walked over to Nancy who got up my water bottle and moved over and left a space at the wall where all my classmates were crowded cheering, I went to that gap and slid down the wall after grabbing the water bottle, everybody else was standing but now if I stand my legs are gunna hurt, the boys were all cheering and jumping in the gym. I could see the boys from BTS and Chen were smirking. I gulped down the water and j stayed on the ground for a while.

The teacher came over to me after a while and asked me if I was ok, I told her I was fine and then I had to go do the sit and reach test, after the bleep test so my muscles would probably be very fucking sore and tight. I used the wall to get up and Nancy walked with me over to the little mat and the box, I sat down and slowly moved my hands up the measuring thingy and stopped when the pain got unbearable.



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