Chp. 5

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Draco POV

Oh Merlin I cannot believe my future wife is Hermione Granger! The one ☝️ girl who didn't fawn over me in my Hogwarts days! Well except loony Lovegood.

  Man I still need to get ready. So I guess I'll hit a shower then find something Nice to wear. So I grabbed a pair of briefs (send help)

Time skip- I ain't gonna do dat. sponsored by S.P.E.W

  I walk out of my bathroom then walk inside my closet.

I found a decent outfit.

  (Sponsored by this lovey Shawn)

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  (Sponsored by this lovey Shawn)

  I quickly combed my hair in a messy style. Idk I'll shake things up I guess.

          I then walk downstairs to the maintenance to see my parents there

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          I then walk downstairs to the maintenance to see my parents there.

     I look at my mum.
"Say mum, how is this all gonna go?"

"Well Draco the Grangers will be here any minute through the floo in the library so we better head there to greet them. And LUCIUS. you must be kind to them. EVEN if they are muggles you are to be kind and welcoming."

Wow. I've never seen my mum like that.

After that we walk in silence to the library.

Once we get there we wait about 5 minutes before a man comes crashing down the chimney with a puff of dust coming with him. The same happened with a women. My mum came over and helped them up while my father just stood there. I knew, next she was up.

  And soon enough the one and only Hermione Granger came crashing in with the smoke. I hear a light voice cough. It was cute in all honesty.

  I walk up to the fireplace to where she is and offer her my hand as she takes it not seeing my face. As soon  as the air cleared up she looked up as to who helped her up. As soon as she sees my face she slowly took her hand back and said "thank you." With a slight nod.

  The next one to speak was my mother. Of course.

" Well! I would like to welcome you to our home. I do hope you make yourself at home, and Hermione. Please do call me Narcissa."

"Thank you Mrs. Ma- Narcissa." Replied Hermione with a smile plastered on her face. God Granger. Such a kiss arse.

"Well why don't we go to the dining room for some breakfast?"

"That would be wonderful Mr. Malfoy. Thank you." Wow. My dad's actually talking to a muggle!

And is not insulting them!

My mum and dad led the way to the dining room with the Grangers hot on their tails while Hermione and I walked behind the four.

  Well I  guess I should try and talk to her. I mean make up and apologize for what happened at Hogwarts I really am sorry for it all.  



"I'm sorry."

She looked up at me.

"I'm sorry for all those years of taunting I was a real git, and I still am. I deserved the punch you gave me in third year. And may I say you looked quite cute when you were angry and punched me."

She BLUSHED. She actually BLUSHED.

She smiled at me

"It's alright Draco I forgive you it's all in the past. The war changed people."

I smirk at her "You called me Draco."

She now blushed a deep crimson. God she looks so cute. Well I guess I didn't notice earlier but she looked quite nice.

"Soooo are we on a first name bases now?"

"Oh god. Yes Draco we are."

"Of course. Mione."

We then got to the dining room. Oh boy.



600 words.

WOW. Well not dat much but hey better well these are quick to make in small portions of times so yah ummmmmm that's all I think.

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