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A/N-so I'm just gonna make short chapters so you guys can get quicker updates. K? Ok.

Drakey poo's point of view-

          So we are sitting down at the round dinner table (I know the Malfoy have a long table but let's just say they were in one of their parlors) my mum, dad, and the Grangers on the farthest four chairs. Which of course left me and Mione to sit next to each other. Huh, I guess she's rubbing off on me.
As we sit there is small talk as to events in the war. I didn't want to get much into that and I could tell neither did Mione. Until the topics of career came up as Mr. Granger said,
"Say, what would you two like to do career wise?" Mione's head shot up and so did mine but a bit slower. I considered but I said first,
"Well I would like to be a healer or Auror since I took quite a liking to potions back at Hogwarts." Hermione gave a slight nod then quite embarrassed said,
"Well umm I-I would like to be a-a healer or the umm minister of magic" the last part a bit more muffled, I look at her with no doubt to be found and and say,
"I think that Hermione is fully capable of becoming minister, I mean I bet she's smarter then Fudge and Shacklebolt combined."
Mione seems to have blushed at hearing this and everyone else seems to have a look of agreement except for my father who looked a bit more skeptical on the idea.
"Thank you Draco. And I as well think that you could easily become a Healer as to frankly your better at potions then me, and your athletic prowess from quidditch as well. "
Wow. She thought I was smart! And athletic! I mean Hermione Granger admitted to thinking quite highly of me! But, why am I so happy of that? I dunno but I need to snap out of it.
          We finish are meal and walk to one of are studies and sit. Are parents chat for a while until my mother seems to have had an idea come to her,
          "Draco dear, why don't you take Hermione for a stroll in the garden and you two can chat and get to know each other" I look at her and give her a slight nod. I stand up and walk to Hermione's armchair and extend my arm to her,
          "Would you take a stroll with me Ms. Granger?" She looks at me with a slight smile and we  link arms. We begin to walk and we walk down the many halls of the manor. As we exit the house an idea pops to my head
         "Mione, would you like to see my secret garden?" She looks at me with wonder and nods curiously. I then let go of her arm and start to run towards the forest outside the manor. She quickly realizes what is happening and she began to run with me. As I kept running I came to a sudden hauls and from this she did not realize this and bumped right into me which caused use to fall suddenly.
         She landed on top of me as I landed on the forest floor. She looks down and sees me. She then began to laugh. I soon join her but she soon realized she was still on me and quickly stood up. I get up soon after and look at her with a smile
          "Are you ready?" She gives me a nod and I return it.
          "Ok. I want you to close your eyes" she looks at me questionably but soon does so. I go behind her and cover her eyes with my hands. I slowly lead her to the entrance to the garden covered with vines and as we go in I remove my hands from her eyes and tell her
          "Ok. Open them" She opens her eyes and...
To be continued
670 words

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