Getting ready

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Hermione POV

I quickly got to my room and ran to the shower.

I was out in about 5 minutes. It was quite cold since I couldn't wait for it to warm up.

I got out and used a spell to dry my hair.

I walked out and wondered what I would wear I opened the wardrobe and found an outfit with a note on it.

'Thought you might need this'-Narcissa

'Thought you might need this'-Narcissa

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(Green Jumper with overall dress)

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(Green Jumper with overall dress)

God I can't wait for this women to be my mother in law


Draco POV

I took a 3 minute shower then changed to what I normally wear for lunch with my parents

I took a 3 minute shower then changed to what I normally wear for lunch with my parents

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I dried my hair with a towel then combed it.

I thought for a second.

Hermione never liked me when I gelled my hair. Maybe I should just leave it messy.

So I ruffled it for a while til it got to a good volume.

I quickly ran out

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I quickly ran out.

As I ran I saw Hermione looking lost turning a corner.

She went down a dark hall which I knew for sure wasn't the way to the gardens.

I silently walked towards her. Once she was covered by the darkness I went to her and brought her up by her waist.

She yelled then did what I didn't expect.

She punched me.

She punched me right in the smolder.

I groaned and put her down.

She saw what she had just done.

"Draco! Why would you do such a thing?"

The pain slightly went away.

"What do you mean love? Your adorable when you get feisty."

I smirked at her.

She let out a blush then a scorning look.

"Let's just get to the gardens."


As we walked in silence I looked at her then realized something.

"Is that my jumper?"

She looked at me confused then looked down at herself.

She then gave a look of realization.

"Your mother left this outfit in my room. This is probably her way of showing that I am yours. And letting all the servants know that."

I let out a chuckle.

"Wouldn't think less of her"

We then made it to the gardens.

Here we go.

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