The line between friends and something more.

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Draco POV

I couldn't help it we were in a moment and I just couldn't hold it in.

So I tugged her wrist again and tilted my head a bit down because of our height differences. And our lips crashed together.

I knew she was shocked because she went stiff but soon melted in my arms.

We stayed there for a while. I couldn't feel anything and quite didn't care about anything else.

It just felt right.

After all that happened.

She was the stitches to my wounds.

She was the antidote to the poison they forced me to drink.

She holds me up when my bones are shattered.

She is my savior.

We parted. Both breathing a bit heavier.

She looked down then looked up smiling at me.

That soon changed.

"No one knows I'm here!"

My face dropped the sincere smile it had. She's right. Weaslebee is probably going insane Potter all the same. They probably have half the ministry looking for her!

But I relaxed.

"No. That can wait until tomorrow right now it's you and me. For all I care there could be a zombie apocalypse in the world right now." I said with a smirk.

She sighed letting out the negative thoughts and gave me a smile. Your right.

Her smile turned to a smirk and she stood on her toes and gave me a lingering peck. Teasing me.

Two can play that game.

So I smirked and scooped her up.

She yelled in surprise.

I then put her down by the tree and pinned her there. She yelped again making me smirk wider.

I brought my face near the side of hers. Getting her scent.

Lemongrass, parchment, and some kind of hair product.

I have to admit it was a nice mix.

I brought my face near hers then let her go.

She looked confused.

I then told her.

"Good night."

Hermione POV

I don't know that the merlins beard that was!

All I know is that I liked it!

I kissed Draco Malfoy!

I liked it?!

What would Harry and Ron think! They don't even know I'm going to marry him!

Well I'm supposed to marry him.

I think I want to.

Do I?!


I'm just gonna get some rest.

After the whole thing that happened Draco went into the tree house smug.

I sighed and went up the latter after putting out the fire.

I laid there about 2 feet away from Draco.

I finally drifted off.


I woke up. I tried to stretch my arms out but found I couldn't. I was almost certain I knew what the situation was.


I screamed at the sight of what was holding me.


Dedicated to @Devilgirllovesbooks

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