Dress shopping

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Hermione POV

"So The wedding is going to be a sort of formal gala 1800 century ball."

I told the girls as we got to diagonal alley.

"Mione. Are you sure? Isn't that a bit.. much?"

Ginny said in a duh manner.

"I think it's a swell idea Hermione"

Luna squeaked in. I looked at pansy for her reaction and she just said.

"Sounds good. It's unique."

We then arrived at Madame Malkin's shop.

We had all picked out ideas for brides maid dresses.

Ginny was up first to demonstrate the dress she picked.

"Ginny! You look just, wow! But don't you think it's a little far from a gala?"

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"Ginny! You look just, wow! But don't you think it's a little far from a gala?"

I told her, my expresión going from shocked to looking at her questioningly.

"I know, I just couldn't find anything and thought I'd look smashing in this"

"That you do" pansy chimed in as Luna gave a soft laugh.

"Alright pansy yours next"

"Alrighty lemme go change. I'll be back una jiffy"


"Soooooo, what do you think"

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"Soooooo, what do you think"

"Pansy you look absolutely gorgeous". I say dumbfounded

"Yes you really do, but..Merlin this is going to sound terrible, isn't it a little toooo umm...Slytherin?"

Ginny states.

Luna nodded daintily.

"Yes I think you girls are right...Luna! Your up!"

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