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Draco POV:

I wake up to the sound of a piano being played. It is a soft melody that I have never heard of. I search through the manor to find the sounds, I am soon brought to the west side drawing room,my favorite room in this prison. I look inside to find Hermione there. This. Is. Perfect. I can use this to look suave, so I prop myself on door and watch her for a while more.

She plays the song so gracefully

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She plays the song so gracefully. Everything is in time and it sounds to be in the right key. After a good period of time she looks up to find me at the door. She looks shocked for a moment then pops into reality.

"I'm so sorry, I should have asked first, Where are my manners? It's just, the piano looked to beautiful and the keys just sang to me."

I look at her in a calm kind way and say "it's quite alright, I have always admired the piano just, no teacher would ever stick around long enough.

She looked at me sadly, then a glint of happiness caned to her face. She scooted over then patted the part of the seat next to her.

I walked to her then sat down.

"So, it's simpler then it seems. The notes go from a-b the pattern started at C and ends at B *Explains whole format of piano(I play piano but don't want to get into details)*

By the end of the day I could play the song with her that woke me up.

"Your a natural Draco! How did teachers walk out on you?"

"Well I do have an amazing teacher now"

Hermione turned a light pink.

I get an idea

"Wanna get out of here?"


"Do you trust me?"

" know. 2 weeks ago I would have said no. But now, yes."

I loved that answer.

I grab her hand and run out the door.

We run laughing through the halls past the door and gates of the manor. We run through the fields. Till we get to a treehouse.

Hermione looks at it with awe

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Hermione looks at it with awe. I lead her up the ladder to the inside.

As she climbs up she asks me.

"How did you find this place?"

"Well when I was a kid I ran away from home and I ran through the field and broke down on the floor. When I got up I realized I didn't know which way home was since the sun was down. I kept walking till I found this place. I stayed the night then in the morning I left. Ever since then I've came here to get away. I've never came here with somebody. Until today."

She turned pink again but this time a little darker of a shade. Merlin she's cute.

"Do you wanna stay here"


"I mean. The suns already down and I'm quite sure everyone knows we left from all the commotion we made. "

She smiled at that.

"...You know what. Why the hell not."

I smile at that.


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