Scenario 2

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*** After School ***

TJ's P.O.V.

I wait for Cyrus to come out. I breathe in and out. I can do this. It's all or nothing. I smile as I see him come out. He smiles and comes towards me. "Hey TJ." I put my arm around his shoulder. "Hey Cyrus. Um... I got to tell you something, but, not here. Let's go to the bench at the park." "Sure. You alright?" He's always so caring. "Yeah. I promise, it's nothing bad." "Phew, that's a relief." I chuckle. It feels nice to have someone who worries about me.

We reach the bench and sit down. "Hey Cyrus, can I lay my head on your lap?" "Yeah." I close my eyes. It feels comforting and I feel calm. He rubs my hair, "You sure you're good?" I look at him and chuckle, "You worry too much." He pouts, I laugh, "But, I like that about you." He blushes, he's too cute. "What's on your mind?" "You want the honest answer?" "Of course." I place my hand on his cheek, "You." He turns bright red. "What?" I smile.

I sigh, "I don't know how long I could hold these feelings." He grabs my hand. "Then don't. Since when did you started noticing these feelings?" I reflect on our time together. "When we first met, I just found you cute, nothing much. It wasn't until I found on you the swings that day that I knew there was something else. You're patient with me. No matter how much I push you away, you never stopped checking to see if I was okay. You never judged me. You always worry about me. I actually feel like someone finally cares about me. The moment I knew you are the most important person to me was during the gun situation. I never thought I'd be able to live without you in my life. And I was right. I was going insane. I was afraid that I messed up so much, that I just had to keep on trying to fix things. No matter how long it would take." He smiles.

"Well..." He sighs, "I guess this makes it easier on my part." "What do you mean?" He blushes and smiles. "Remember how I called you oblivious?" "Yeah?" I chuckles, "This is one the main thing I'm talking about." "Remember, I am oblivious, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Explain please." He breathes and out. "TJ, I really like you." My heartbeat fastens. "Really?" "Yes. And I've came out as gay to the others. I just didn't know how you would react. Of course it's a bit more complicated because of my feeling towards you." I smile like the idiot I am.

"Hey Cyrus?" "Yeah." I look into his brown eyes. Looking into the most sweet, gentle, and wonderful person in my life. "Can I kiss you?" He blushes madly, much more than I've ever seen him. "We don't have to. I don't want to force you." He panics. "No, it's just that this is my first time to actually kiss someone I like." "So is that yes?" He leans down, "Of course it it." I close my eyes and live the moment. It's a soft and sweet kiss. Nothing too aggressive. I don't want to come off too strong. I don't want to scare him. I want to protect and cherish him. I won't let anyone hurt him. I'll make sure that he feels loved. I pull him in and deepen the kiss a bit more.

We stop and I get to a sitting position. I pull him into my arms, he snuggles in. "I really hope I'm not dreaming." "This is too real to be a dream." He looks at me. I give a peck on the cheek. He blushes. "And I can feel your heartbeat pounding." I blush and he laughs. "It's the most sweetest lullaby." I blush harder, "Shhhh." I hide into his shoulders. "Who knew that I can make the most courageous person act all shy?" He teases. I start breathing on his neck. He hitches, "Don't test me Goodman. I could let the lion out of me anytime. I'm just holding back." He blushes and hides in deeper into my chest. I tighten my hold.

He's so precious to me. I kiss his head. I remember the time our eyes met for the first time, he saw me with fear and wanted to hid away. Now, the way he looks at me with such care, worry, and love. I still remember the first time I made him smile. I felt the need to protect him from the world. His innocence and pure heart draws me to him. It's changed mine. Once so cold and ruthless. I've learned so much from him. Being with him has made me a better person. And I want to better myself, so that I can continue to be by his side til the end.

Heyo, here's another chapter. I hope you enjoyed. I've heard a theory, that Joshua Rush teased a bit about season 3, episode 21 and something with the bench. Here's one thing that might happen. Who knows? We just have to wait and see.
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