Scenario 4 Part 1

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Author's Note: Ok. Change of plans I saw the new episode and going to make a pick up from there. So, just pretend what was in part 0 in the episode with the same ending from today's episode.

Cyrus P.O.V.

I swing slowly. I can't believe TJ did that. I honestly don't know what's going in his head anymore. It hurts a lot to know that he just tossed me aside. I feel a few drops falling. "Cyrus, are you okay?" I stop swinging. And there he is, right in front of me. He looks so guilty. I wipe my tears away. "I'm fine." I get up to leave, but he grabs my arm. "Cyrus, please, I know you're not fine. What I did isn't fine. I'm really sorry. Please?" I sigh, I know I shouldn't. "I'll forgive you, but you have to tell me why. Why you did it? You can't just ask someone to do something with you and toss them away. What you did really hurts, a lot."

He sighs loudly and let's go of my arm. "I know we're really close. And people know that we are. If we did the costume together, people would assume that we're a couple, and think I'm gay. Like imagine me, me being gay? I can't be gay." I feel my blood boil, "Is there something wrong with being gay? What would you do if I told you that I'm gay?" He stays quiet, doesn't say a word.

I run for my life. I can't believe TJ. Just when I thought I couldn't be hurt more. He just shatters my heart into smaller pieces. I feel the tears coming back and there's no stopping them. I really fall for those that I can't be with. I wish I wasn't in love.

Ooooooofff, okay, I'm about to throw some hands 😤😤😤.I wish they didn't have to do them so dirty 😭😭😭. I saw this episode through YouTube, and I was like oooooo, it got leaked and I just gotta have some of that Tyrus medication asap. I was not expecting my heart to be broken. I ship Muffy too, and that doesn't help. And when I didn't see anything about Tyrus in the promo, I'm like, hold up. Ugh...... I hope it's addressed because this episode really was a middle finger to the audience.

Until next time,

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