My Final Decision

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"Why don't you wait until school is done this week and then make your decision." B/F/N said.

I nodded.

It was the next day and me and B/F/N are waiting on our porch for C/B/F/N to pick us up since he agreed to do that from now on.

The whole car ride was quiet. I tried starting a conversation but B/F/N was the only one answering.

C/B/F/N was weird. I can tell he felt awkward. He wasn't mad he just... felt different.

We're at school and went to our lockers.

When me and B/F/N went to our class, I look behind and saw C/B/F/N slipped a note in my locker and went the other direction to his class.

Once he was gone, I told B/F/N and we ran back to our lockers.

I open the locker and read the note.

Hey Y/N. I'm sorry I've been so awkward this morning. I just.... I can't tell you now in a note because it's really personal. Meet me at the bleachers on the field after school. Tell B/F/N she'll have to find another way to get home and tell her I say sorry.

I was gonna tell B/F/N until I realized she was reading the note with me! "What? You expect me not to read it." I laugh.

At that moment, C/N walks pass us with his football friends. He's even with some girls. He has his arm around one of them. Guess who it is? It's that cheerleader that started that rumour about me and C/B/F/N. we definitely broke up. He totally forgot about me. And I forgot about him....

It's after school and I'm walking nervously to the field with B/F/N. She said she's gonna eat food on the bleachers. Totally not going to eavesdrop on our conversation.

I'm on my phone and I see C/B/F/N walking towards me. I quickly put away my phone.

"Hey C/B/F/N..." I saw awkwardly. "Why'd you need to talk to me?".

"Ever since that cheerleader well, C/N' "new girlfriend" said that rumour I felt different. I just started liking you...".

"C/B/F/N. I feel the exact same way. I'm not joking.". We hug.

"So what does this make us?" He asks.

"I guess boyfriend and girlfriend since that's what everyone thinks of us now.".

He leans closer and we kiss.

I look on the bleachers and B/F/N is just cheering me on.

"Wait. But what about C/N?" I ask in worry.

"He already has a new girlfriend. That dumb but also smart cheerleader."

"Why would you say she's smart?" I asked back.

"Because she basically started our relationship." We kissed again.

B/F/N texted me from the bleachers.

F/N texted me and she gonna give a ride back to your place so I'll see you back there. Bye. Have fun ;)

That wink tho.

C/B/F/N puts his arm around me and we walk back to his car.

He drove me home and we have our last kiss of the day.

"Bye Y/N. See you tomorrow." He winks and I just nod.

I open the door and B/F/N comes running to me.

"So.... what are you guys now????" She's so excited.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend!" I say. She hugged me so tight.

She didn't ask about C/N because everyone knows he's dating that cheerleader chick.

For the rest of the night, as a celebration, we order food and watch a movie.

During the movie my phone buzzed.

Hey Y/N! Are you dating C/B/F/N? Apparently people saw you guys holding hands. My best friend!

Says the guys putting his arm around that cheerleader. You basically ignored the three of us so I don't know why you're getting mad at me. Especially you ignored your quote on quote "best friend".

Wait you know about Alexandra? How'd you know??

Oh she has a name. Anyways, you put your arm around her and walk down the hallways this whole week! Like you wanted everyone to know you guys are in a relationship!

Just answer my question. Are you dating C/B/F/N or not?


I can't believe you cheated on me.

You cheated on me! And technically, you broke up with me. ASK YOUR MOM! I'm done with your nonsense. Goodbye C/N.

Wait Y/N!

This user has blocked you....

To be continued....

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