First Appointment

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This morning, me and B/F/N woke up at 7:00, yes I know, very early. Anyways, we woke up at seven because today is our first ultrasound.

Today we also get to find out our due date. It would be so cool if our babies were born on the same day.

C/N will be picking us up at 9:00 so we have to get ready.

After getting ready, we eat breakfast.

Our appointment is at 10:00 but the doctor's office is like so far away so we gotta leave as early as pissible!

It's 9:00 and I see C/N's car outside.

When we arrive at the office, we see a familiar face.

Can you guess who?

"Kevin? Why are you here?" B/F/N runs up to him and hugs him.

"I realized what happened. I'm the dad, I should be here for our child. For you" Kevin says in such a dad voice.

"I love you so much!". They kiss.

Me and C/N are just awwwwing at them.

It's time for our ultrasound.

Omg! Our baby is gorgeous.

Even though it's literally a blurry picture of a blob, I start crying like the baby is born.

"So, you're due date is.... November 22, 2019. If you're wondering, he/she's zodiac sign will be Sagittarius." The doctor tells us.

I'm in joy! So is C/N.

"Thank you so much doc. We really appreciate it." "No problem. Congrats to you two".

We get out of the office and I guess B/F/N and Kevin were already done before us.

"On three, let's say our due date."

"3,2,1 November 22!" Me and B/F/N screamed.

We both jump in excitement and hug.

Then C/N and Kevin just joined in.

"Our next appointment is finding out the gender. Oh I hope it's a girl. But I'd be fine if it's a boy too." I say.

"Same. Low-key want a girl." B/F/N replies.

C/N gasps.

"Why don't you two throw a gender reveal party together. Me and Kevin will call the doctor, find out the gender, and set up a cool party for you guys to reveal the baby's gender!"

"Great idea!" Me and B/F/N exclaimed.

"This is gonna be fun".....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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