This Is Really Happening

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I open the door and C/N and Kevin are right there.

We hug them and do the usual greeting stuff that couples do.

Well I'm not too sure if B/F/N and Kevin are dating. She didn't really say they're official. All I know is that they like each other.

"C/N, I need to talk to you upstairs." I tell him.

"And Kevin, I'll just talk to you right here in the living room." B/F/N said to Kevin.

We walk upstairs and the pregnancy test is in my back pocket so C/N doesn't see it.

We go to my room and sit on the bed.

"So C/N. Remember how we 👌👈?" He nods in confusion.

"And remember how the next day me and B/F/N rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Then we went to the store?"

"Yes?" He says.

"Well we went to buy a—" I hesitate to finish my sentence.

"A what?" He asked.

"We went to buy.... a pregnancy test" His eyes widen.

"W-W-W what did it say?".

I take out the test and hand it to him.

He's in shock.

I almost started crying because of all these hormones.

"So.... this means.... you're.... pregnant?" He asked very hesitantly.

I nod because I didn't feel like speaking.

"And we don't have enough money to pay for and abortion. That's the only reason we started babysitting. But we stopped because of school and it's just too stressful. So the only thing we can do is... wait nine months until the baby is born." I say.

"You don't have to worry about anything Y/N. I got you pregnant, I'm the dad of our child. I'll be with you 24/7."

"Thanks C/N. You're the best boyfriend ever."

He leans in and kiss me.

During our kiss, we hear screaming downstairs from B/F/N and Kevin.


Once she said that, he opened the door and left. Without saying anything.

B/F/N started crying.

Me and C/N both run down the stairs.

I went to comfort B/F/N and C/N randomly opened the door.

"Hey Kevin! I'm kicking you off the team for doing that to B/F/N!" C/N screams at Kevin because guess he was still getting in his car.

I just heard Kevin screaming back at C/N because he was mad for being kicked off the team.

"I'm team captain so I can do whatever I want".

He closed the door and comes to me and B/F/N.

"Thanks C/N. Kevin is such a jerk for doing this." B/F/N continues crying.

"Don't worry B/F/N. You're not alone. Me and C/N will be with you matter what. Right C/N?" I say to comfort B/F/N.

"Right." C/N replies.

"Thanks you guys. I love you both so much". We all hug.

These next nine months are going to be rough. But I know we're going to get through it together....

To be continued....

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