Getting Ready For Valentine's Day

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Today is Valentine's Day! This is my first Valentine's Day with a boyfriend. Not just a boyfriend, but it's with my true love, C/N...

Oh shit that means I have to get him a gift. But I just have no idea what to get him! I mean I know what he likes but I don't know what to get him.

What does he like you may ask? Well he likes F/S and F/S. But most likely he has like a ton of F/S's and F/S's. So that can't work.

He's B/C so maybe I can make a dish from that country. Oh wait! I can't cook... I can't buy it either cause then it won't be special.

I honestly have no idea what to get him. I guess I didn't know what he liked. I just knew his personality... which is not a bad thing but if only I knew more about him!

Guys can be so secretive but they can be so romantic at the same time. Please tell me you girls can relate to this.

I should go ask B/F/N and C/B/F/N to help me. We should go to the mall. I'll text them.

Hey C/B/F/N and B/F/N, can we meet up at the mall at 3:00. I need to get a gift for C/N but I really need your guys' help. Thanks!

After panicking, I got a text back from both of them.

Hey Y/N. I'd love to help you with buying a gift for C/N. I do hang out with that kid a lot so I sure know what he likes! See you at the mall at 3:00.

Hey Y/N. I'm coming too with you and C/B/F/N. I'll see you guys there too!

Friends are honestly the best....

I'm waiting at the mall entrance for C/B/F/N and B/F/N.

"Hey girl wassup?" B/F/N and I hug as she walks up to me and says that. "Hey Y/N, I'm here to help!" C/B/F/N says. "Thanks you guys. Now let's start shopping".

"So C/B/F/N, what does C/N like?" I asked as we're trying to find a store. "He likes Nike. We should go there and you can buy him some more clothes. Because the clothes he wears now is--- eek." Me and B/F/N start laughing.

We walk into Nike. Since I also like Nike myself, I knew what to get him.

I got him a sports outfit since he loves playing F/S and F/S like 24/7. This is what I got him:

He'll definitely love it

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He'll definitely love it.

"Wow Y/N this is nice. I kinda want this for myself." C/B/F/N says as he looks at it. "I think there's still another set of this in that rack." C/B/F/N just started running when I wasn't even finished talking.

I finished paying and me and B/F/N are waiting outside of Nike for C/B/F/N. "He's waiting in line. The lines too long. Let's go get gelato." B/F/N begs me. "Ok I'll text him".

B/F/N and I are going to get gelato. Text us when you're done if you don't see us out here.

Before we leave he gives us a thumbs up cause we can still see him.

We're finally at the gelato place. It took forever for us to get here. This place is on the other side of the mall the from where Nike is.

"What gelato are you getting?" I ask B/F/N. "I am getting...." She's still thinking. "I'm getting F/G/F". "I'm getting F/G/F and I'm craving a Nutella strawberry crepe right now." I reply back. "In that case, get two of those crepes." I roll my eyes at her and start laughing.

We got our gelatos and crepes and C/B/F/N texts us.

I'm done now. Where are you guys?

I reply back to him.

We're at the gelato place. Meet us there and you can buy yourself gelato and a crepe if you want.

Me and B/F/N sit at a table and start eating since C/B/F/N is meeting us here.

"So what time is your date with C/N?" B/F/N asked me. I swallow my bite of crepe and say, "7:30". It's only 4:00 right now so I have time.

"What are you gonna wear?" Once she said that, my mind went blank. "Omg. I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!" I panicked. "Well I guess we can go shopping since we're already at the mall!"

"Hey watcha guys talking about?" C/B/F/N just plops down beside us. "After we finish eating, we're gonna go shopping for an outfit for Y/N".

We finished eating and we head to Forever 21 because their dresses are super cute. Not to fancy but not causal. It's just right.

I got a pink dress (pink for Valentine's Day) with a white design on it and it comes with a brown belt

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I got a pink dress (pink for Valentine's Day) with a white design on it and it comes with a brown belt. To go with the brown belt, I have cute brown high heels. And then there's just some jewelry with it too!

I am so ready for my date with C/N!

To be continued....

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