Chapter 14

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~ V e n i c e B e a c h ~

I hopped out of the car as soon as it stopped and ran to look for a huge spot for all of us to lay down our stuff.

The guys jogged a bit behind and I finally found the perfect spot.

I threw my towel on the sand and set my bag down before collapsing on it.

The guys threw everything on the ground earning a scold from Melissa as she gently laid out her towel.

I set up some umbrellas and laid out a blanket for everyone to sit on before I ripped off my T-shirt and sprinted for the ocean.

Shawn saw and quickly ran to join me.

"Hey so um...this is the last day we spend together."

"I know, ugh. Shawn don't leave me. Who am I going to duet with?!"

"The Jacks?"

"Um...they're going on a different tour dummy."

"Right, right. Um..." he hesitated.

"Shawn... I feel like you're not telling me something." I looked over at him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We ended up walking along the coast to the East, everyone else eating snacks at our spot.

"I do have a problem."

"Like semi-bad or horrible-bad?" I asked stepping on a baby shell.

"I guess you could say semi-bad."

"Spill the beans Mendes."

"Well..." he stopped.

"I don't know if I should tour with Austin.." he watched his feet as the shoreline spilled over them.

"Shawn, are you crazy? Do you know how good this will be for you?!"


"Millions of girls screaming 'MARRY ME MENDES' and 'SHAWN HAVE MY BABIES' etc. Wouldn't you want that?"

"Iris... the worse part is I'll be without you." He looked up at me.

I looked back to see Matt, Taylor, and Dillon run to the shore and push each other.

"Shawn, I know. I know you'll miss everyone. We will text, FaceTime, snapchat, tweet, Instagram every single night. I promise. When am I not on social media?" I hugged him tightly.

He hugged back, "Thanks Iris. I feel more confident now and now that I have your support I feel 100% ready to be screamed at by millions of fans." he grinned before breaking into a chuckle.

Aaron ran up behind me and turned around motioning me to climb on his back.

"Aaron, are you crazy?! I weigh about as much as a whale!" I shrieked.

"Hop on. I have muscles." he looked back at me before picking me up and placing me on his back.

He ran near the rest of the gang and dropped me in the water.

I took a breath before going under and quickly popped up.

I saw everyone having a splash war and smiled.

If only everyday could be like this... but it can't.

*a few hours later*

Everyone gathered around the small fire we built and Aaron brought out the marshmallows with Taylor following him carrying the chocolate.

I greedily reached for the graham crackers and set them in my lap.

"How about a song?" Jack G asked looking around at everyone.

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