~Aunt Nene

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Chapter six

Lavi's POV


On my way to Baba Ade's shop during the later part of the day. I thought I saw someone like Aunt Nene heading towards my direction before I crossed over to the next street.

I would have swore the person I saw was really her but I just couldn't bet on it. I mean, she couldn't have come all the way out here in search of Katherine and I; would she?


What if she was actually the one and has come to take Katherine back home and away from me. Would I be able to let her go?

I know I can't give her the life she deserves in her condition but taking her back home would also mean not seeing her again and I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like without her.

My breath of fresh air

Baba was bent over on his machine when I arrived at his shop.

"Baba eku ishe o" I greeted.

"Aaaah aah Ayo; I was waiting for you. What took you so long" he asked staring at me

"Sorry Baba, I was busy at home. Do you have work for me today?"

"No but I was meaning to talk to you about something. I don't know if you'll have any idea about it" Baba had told me sounding skeptic

He looked disturbed even. I can clearly see that in his face.

"Baba what's it? Did something happened?"

"Aaaah ra ra ra oh...nothing has happened. Just an old friend of mine that came by my shop earlier in search of a girl"

"A girl?" I had repeated after him in surprise.

"Yes! She even brought her picture with her in case anyone have seen her. she just left not quite long. If you had come earlier, you would have seen her"

My throat has suddenly gone dry at this point.

Say what now?

They is no doubt left in my mind at this point that, it was Aunt Nene I had seen earlier indeed.

I composed myself quickly wiping the surprised expression off my face.

"Ehem Baba, what did the woman said happened to the girl?"

"Wooh, she didn't say much o. Only enough for me to know that she ran away from home"


"I don't know Ayo...children of nowadays can be funny. Running away from home isn't always the best solution to problems because every problem has a solution. Even the street has its own problem and it's big enough to swallow them up"

"Maybe she didn't have a choice" the word slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"Ayo my son, I know you're a very hard working and wise boy and that's why I like you so much and for over four months now that you came to me for work, I have been watching you. You're far more intelligent than a street boy and that's why am asking you to please help this woman and look out for that girl while you're out there" he said calmly with his hand on my shoulder.

IN SEARCH OF KATHERINE ( Book 3 )completedWhere stories live. Discover now