Chapter 14 Stuck In My Mind

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One of the reasons I enjoy Chris’s company is that he can always help me forget my problems. I wasn’t afraid to tell him anything. He’s kind of like my best friend, even though I haven’t seen him in years.

He picked me up ten minutes after I was ready. Tori and Alex stayed because they wanted to meet him. They were surprised to see that he drove a yellow Lamborghini. I realized that I hadn’t told them that he was rich. One thing that I didn’t know was that he drove a Lamborghini. I introduced them and I could see that my friends like him. Well they did think that he was my boyfriend or soon to be boyfriend. When they were doing my hair and make-up I explained to them that he wasn’t my boyfriend, he’s just a childhood friend.

He took me to a restaurant that I’ve never gone to before. It was like the one where I saw him again. Only it wasn’t that big or fancy. I’ve never eaten the food that was on the menu, but Chris told me what they were. He was a complete gentleman. He’s what I would describe a Prince Charming that every girl wants.

After dinner he took me to a comedy show. It was around five in the after noon so it wasn’t late for a comedy show according to him. It turns out that my favorite comedian was having a show near and Chris had bought tickets.

The building was set like a movie theater. Only bigger. We had front row seats to the show and I was really excited. Minutes after we came in Gabriel Iglesias walked out from back stage. Most people like to call him Fluffy because he’s a bit big. But he is also very funny. I didn’t know about him until Clara showed me a video of him. She had the movies too and we decided to have a movie night at my house. We laughed for so long it hurt.

I grew sad at the memory. I really missed them. It’s been five days since I last talked to them. And all those five days felt like eternity. I’m surprised I made it this long without them. Chris noticed that my emotions had changed and was immediately concerned.

“Are you okay?” was the first thing he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” he must have believed me because he turned his attention back to the show.

Somehow I knew that Andrew wouldn’t have believed me and that he would ask questions until he knew that I was fine. One thought of him can turn into many. I remember the time he took me out to the movies and almost got us killed. I remember him looking at me from time to time. And most of all, I can remember him holding my hand when we were at school or when we just walked around.

I know that I still like him. I know that he’s with Brittney. But what I don’t understand is why does he act different when we’re not in school.

Suddenly I felt a cold hand in mine. I looked down and saw that Chris was now holding my hand. I was happy but yet disappointed. I was only disappointed because it wasn’t Andrew's hand. His hand was always warm, but Chris is cold. I had to forget about him. I couldn’t even go to a show with Chris without thinking of Andrew. He had somehow invaded my mind. He popped in whenever he wants. Chris is a nice guy and I shouldn’t be thinking about Andrew while I’m with him. Even if he is my friend.

After the show we drove to my house. He’s a family friend and has been to my house so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to invite him in.

“It’s just how I remember.” he said as he entered my house.

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