Chapter 9

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Watching Lex collapse like that gave me a scare. I thought I was over her, especially because of the way she left me. For months, I tried so hard to block her out; push away my feelings for her and eventually I managed to do it. I hadn't thought about her for the longest time and now that she's back in the picture, everything seems so surreal. I know that she's will Dylan now but, that day I bumped into her; the way she just blurted out that she's pregnant, I feel like she did it on purpose. I have this tiny suspicion that maybe things aren't going so well between her and Dylan and she wants to keep me in her life. If I'm being honest with myself, I want Lex to be mine again. All the women that I've been with since Lex dumped me couldn't possibly add up to the way I felt about her. I'm thinking that this baby will bring us closer together; that it's very possible we are meant to be together. After all, everything happens for a reason.

Dylan seems like a solid guy and I've seen the way he looks at Lex. I can tell he's head over heels in love with her but, so was I and I was with her first, we have a history together. I was there for her just after her mom died, I helped her through all of that and when I saw him get off that elevator, I felt so... upset. I was the one that found her, I was the one that carried her to my car and drove her to the hospital, where was he? I'm not used to being second best and that's what I feel like right now. When Dylan learned that I had been the one to come to Lex's rescue, he seemed frustrated at first but, then he shook my hand and thanked me. I thought maybe I should reconcile things with him; make amends, convince him that Lexi needs both of us, at least until we find out who the father is and to my relief, he agreed. Looking back, I realize now I hadn't really thought everything through. Despite the complications I knew this would cause between Kelly and I, it didn't stop me from fantasizing about Lexi.

Sitting on the sofa, I could vaguely make out Kelly in the background, she was ranting about something; most likely about the caterer or the band. The date had been set; March 9th, we will be married. I never thought I would get married, not even to Lex but, she changed my mind about all of that and after seeing her again, I realized in that moment that she was the only women in the world that I could see myself marrying.

"Hey! Are you paying attention to me?" Kelly asks.


I hadn't been paying attention at all, all I kept thinking about was Lexi's body, I was trying to remember what she looked like naked. Lex was one of the most beautiful women I had ever been with and I know she loved me, and I keep wondering if she will ever love me again.

"Do you not care about any of this? She asks.

With everything that's happened in the last few days; running into Lex, finding out I may be a daddy, realizing I'm still in love with Lexi, I don't even see Kelly anymore and I really don't want to marry her.

"No, actually I don't. I can't marry you Kelly."

Everything that I just said was true, I don't love Kelly, she was just a rebound girl. A way to pass time to help me get over losing Lexi. I suppressed all those feelings for so long and I finally found the courage to just rip them out and it felt so damn good. Of course, Kelly didn't reciprocate my feelings.

"Are you fucking kidding me, I've been breaking my back; taking off time from work to plan this wedding, which you by the way have not helped with and for what? You're a fucking asshole, I never want to see you again." She said, using a rolled up bridal magazine to hit me with.

Shielding my face from her aggressive blows, I walk to the door. I was about to say something but, she continued to smack me with the catalogue. The minute I stepped outside, I felt free, like a huge weight had been lifted off me. If I didn't know any better, I would say that this is the first day I've been truly happy in a long time. I'm so overwhelmed with relief that I can't seem to stop smiling and I know the first place I want to go to share my news.

Lex's car isn't in the driveway but, neither is Dylan's truck. I'm preying she's home because I have so much that I want to say to her, there are so many things going through my head right now, it's hard to focus. Taking a deep breath, I step out of the car and casually stroll up to her front door. I knock and wait but, there is no answer. Worried she might be in trouble again, I grab the spare key from under the pot and let myself in.

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