Chapter 17

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January 3rd

Lying in bed together, Dylan has his arm draped around my side. His body is warm against mine; he's asleep. I need to pee bad but, I don't want to disturb him. The baby is due soon and god knows we won't be getting any sleep with twins. As I lay there, I can feel the pressure build, then suddenly one of twins kicks my bladder. There's no time to be gentle, I'm about to explode. I throw Dylan's arm off me and try to sprint to the bathroom but, every time I take a step I can feel pee trickle out. I finally make it to the toilet and feel instant relief but, then I feel a sharp pain deep down. I start to breath through it until the pain subsides, as I'm about to get up I can feel the cramping start to return. I realize that I'm in labor; breathing through another contraction, I yell for Dylan. He's at my side in a heartbeat.

"What's wrong?"

"I think it's time."

I watch as his eyes get big but, he doesn't panic. Helping me up, he guides me to the sofa and leaves me there. I watch as he runs around the house like a chicken with his head cut off, grabbing everything he can.

"I think I got everything he says." Standing near me, his hands full.

"My body pillow?"

I wait as he grabs the pillow and comes back. He helps me up and then carry's me to the car. I breath heavily through another contraction as he throws everything inside the trunk. Getting in the driver's seat he looks at me and smiles.

"This is it, we're about to be parents."

"Yea, sure is, maybe you can drive now." I say, a little annoyed.


It only takes twenty minutes to get to the hospital and even though Dylan got us there in ten, it felt like forever. My contractions seemed to be getting closer together, which I didn't think was possibly as they already felt so close. Once the nurse got us set up in a room Dylan made me his number one priority; fluffing my pillow, rubbing my back, breathing with me through my contractions. I loved that he wanted to help but, I also wanted to punch him. I just kept thinking, he has no idea how much this hurts. When I finally got a small break between contractions, I wondered what the actual birth was going to feel like. After a while the doctor came in and examined me.

"It's almost time to push, are you ready?

I looked over at Dylan and he smiled at me. Why does he keep smiling, he doesn't have a clue at how bad this is going to hurt? I glance back at the doctor and shake my head no. He smiles and reassures me that I'm more than ready. What is it with these men and smiling? Do they really think that helps? Now I feel like I want to punch them both in the head.

I watch as the doctor slips on gloves and the nurse helps me put my legs into stirrups, which are cold and uncomfortable. I look over at Dylan who seems anxious and pale. He grabs my hand and tells me to squeeze as hard as I want. I can feel another contraction starting, when the doctor asks me to push. I bare down and push as hard as I can. It feels like I'm taking a huge shit after being constipated for days and it's just ripping through me. The doctor looks up at me and tells me not to push yet because the first baby is breach. I'm overwhelmed with worry and Dylan looks like he's about to pass out. I can feel another contraction starting and I'm not sure what to do.

"Hold on, don't push yet." The doc says.

The urge to push is so overwhelming that I begin to bare down. The doctor is yelling at me not to push, I try to stop but I can't. I'm worried that I'll hurt the baby if I keep pushing. I'm squeezing Dylan's hand so hard that I can see the whites of his knuckles. Before I know what's happening, I hear my baby cry.

"Is he alright? Did I hurt him?"

The doctor doesn't reply. I watch as a nurse scoops up my baby and takes him over to the neo natal cart. The doctor is still working on getting the second baby out. He asks me to push again and before I have a chance to push, he's holding the second baby and cutting the umbilical cord. Another nurse comes over and scoops up the baby. After a few minutes, the doctor cleans up and congratulates us on being new parents, we thank him and then the nurses bring over our baby's.

Dylan and I fall instantly in love with the twins. We take turns holding them and cherish their sweet little noises and funny facial expressions. Dylan did the honor of changing their diapers for the first time and didn't complain; although I know at some point he will. A nurse came in and took the babies for some routine tests and Dylan and I took advantage of the time alone to sleep. When I finally woke, Leanne made her way over and told me how beautiful the twins are. I could tell she was anxious to bring her baby into the world, she looked huge and uncomfortable.

"I can't wait for our babies to meet." She said excitedly.

"Yea, I bet you're more than ready to have this baby."

"Yes, I feel like a cow that's fallen over and can't get up."

"So, what are their names?"

"James Anthony and Leanne Nicole."

I could see how happy Leanne is that I held true to our promise and she hugged me with tears in her eyes. A few minutes later, Dylan and his dad came into the room. His dad was beaming with pride but, I wondered where his mom was. I hope Dylan's dad told her. The nurse wheeled in the baby's and in came Dylan's mom. I couldn't tell if she was happy or upset and felt a little apprehensive about talking with her. She glanced down at the baby's and smiled, turning looked at me.

"What are their names?" She asks.

"Your grandson's name is James Anthony and your granddaughter is Leanne Nicole."

She placed a hand over her mouth when she heard her daughter's name mentioned and I was worried that she would be upset about using the name but, she wasn't. She hugged Dylan and then came to me and thanked me; hugging me and apologizing about how she reacted the last time we met. I told her that everything was alright and that I understood. We talked for a while and then his parents left. Dylan and I held the babies for a while and then fell asleep in each other's arms.

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