Chapter 14

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The reality of the situation doesn't hit me till much later. Lexi and I decide to stay in for the night, we're cuddled on the couch together watching "The Voice," when I realize it was a year ago this month when Christine left me at the altar. I hadn't thought about her since that day; she broke my heart and I could never forgive her for that. I pray that Lex won't hurt me the same way, I don't know if I could handle getting my heart broken the same way twice. Sometime later we fell asleep in each other's arms. I dreamt that I was standing at the altar, waiting for Lexi to walk down the isle and into my arms forever. My mom and dad were sitting in the front row holding the twins; they smile at me. I smile back but, as time goes by the fear that she isn't coming sets in. I smile at the guests and make my way to the back of the church when I see them. Tripp and Lexi are fucking in the bridal suite, when they notice me they seem unphased. "Oh, hey babe, want to join in?


The horror of that dream jolts me awake, I glance down and realize it was just a nightmare. Lexi is sound asleep; her head is resting comfortably on my chest, she looks so peaceful. I honestly don't know why I'm worried about her leaving me for that loser. I know she doesn't love him anymore but, I've heard her say she still cares about him. Perhaps that is why I'm afraid of losing her to him, I feel like my subconscious is warning me that there is still a chance she could leave me for him. I try to shake off that thought and convince myself that it's all nonsense; that I'm worried for nothing. Trying not to wake Lex, I slowly slip away to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face and rinse my mouth in the process. I had hoped that doing this would help clear my thoughts but, there was still something bothering me, and I couldn't seem to pin point the problem. I glance at the time on my phone, it's past four in the morning. I notice that I have a voice message and see that it's from my parents. That's it. I haven't told my parents, they have no idea their about to become grandparents. I can't think about what I'm going to say to them right now or how I'm going to explain to them everything that's happened. All I want to do is go to bed. As I walk back into the living room, Lexi is still sound asleep on the sofa. I gently carry her to the bed and crawl in next to her. She turns into me and I wrap my arms around her, listening as she takes slow and even breaths.


The next morning, I wake to the sound of music playing. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes and glance at the alarm clock. It's only a quarter past eight; yawning, I lay back in bed and throw the covers over my head. A short while later, I wake to the smell of bacon and fresh brewed coffee. The thought of the coffee has me concerned, especially if Lexi made it. She is a remarkable woman but, she cannot make a decent pot of coffee to save her life. My curiosity is peaked and I decide to investigate the aroma. Lex is in the kitchen, she has headphones on and she is dancing; using the spatchula as a microphone. Breakfast has been laid out on the table, everything smells delicious and my stomach gurgles with anticipation. Sneaking up behind Lex, I grab her by the waist and begin dancing with her; our body's grinding together, moving with the beat. She turns and smiles at me, pulling her headphones off.

"Hey stranger, I was just about to come and get you."

"Oh really, is that what that was?"

She smiles and giggles, her laugh is adorkable and just one of the many things that I adore about her.

"Why Mr. Cavanaugh what ever do you mean?"

"You're such a sexy dancer, what were you listening to anyway?"


"Oh? I didn't think you liked it slow?"

"Not usually."

"Well, I think I can help with that."

"Yeah? Let's eat first, then you can show me your slow moves."

"Good idea, I'm starving and we're going to need all our energy for later."

I'm so hungry that I manage to eat a double serving of eggs and bacon, however, I drink the orange juice instead of the coffee.

"Hey Lex?"


"I'm thinking of visiting my parents later, I want you to come with me."

"Really? You know I've only met them once and it wasn't under the best of circumstances."

"Yea, I know. That's why I think it's important that you're there with me when I tell them they're about to become grandparents."

I watch as her expression changes from excitement to horror. I can only imagine what she's thinking. I've been struggling all night with how I'm going to tell my parents the exciting but problematic news. However, I know in my heart if Lexi is there with me, they will be more receptive; at least that's what I'm hoping.

"Dylan, I barely know them, what are they going to think of me?"

"What? Are you afraid they're going to think poorly of you?"

"Yes, of course I do. What else could they possibly think of me?"

"Don't worry about it, I plan on telling them about the engagement first. Then we can go from there. I want them to get use to seeing you as their daughter-in-law before we blast them with the news of becoming grandparents. My dad already loves you, ever since the accident, anytime I talk to him he always asks about you."


"Yea, he told me he sees how much you love me and that you're a keeper and I happen to believe he's right."

"I would be honored to come with you. I'm just really nervous about what they'll say."

"Honestly, I'm right there with you but, everything will be fine, I promise."

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