Chapter 9

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I threw my jacket to the side as Yoongi yelled at me for no good reason once again. I sighed as I locked the front door and turned around and clamped my hand on Yoon's mouth.

"Why are you even making this an argument?" I asked him. "Why are you blaming me when Joon was the one who said it would take a while to sign you over again? It's not my fault!" I rolled my eyes.

Yoongi smacked my hand off of his mouth and threw the keys on the counter. "Because you could've at least helped me talk him into doing it earlier! But no, instead you sat there."

"Wow," I said with no emotion. "This is unbelievable. I give you love, attention, money, a roof over your head and food to eat, and this is how I'm treated? What the hell?!" I yelled desperately at him.

I seriously really love Yoon.. He was the very first person that I had ever loved, but he's different now. He constantly brings up the fact that I left him alone for four months, but he never asked me how I was in those months.

He never asked me about how I dealt with the pain or about how I felt while I thought that he commited fucking suicide. He doesn't know that I would stand on the edge of the music studio carelessly and hope that one day the wind would take me away. He doesn't know that it was hard for me to even look at his possessions or even walk into places we once would hang out in. He never knew.. but..

He makes me seem like a bad guy, but in reality.. all I ever wanted was my Yoon back.

This isn't my Yoon.

"You're treated like a god damn prince with your music and money," Yoongi scoffed. "I'm surprised you don't wear a fucking crown and make me bow down to you." He walked into the living room and sat on the couch annoyed.

"I'm sorry that I worked hard to be in the music industry!" I yelled at him with a frown. "I'm sorry that you are the only one who sees me as such a terrible person. Why are you even with me if you think so bad about me anyways?" I asked him sadly.

"I'm with you because I love you." He said as he looked up at me with emotionless eyes.

"Then fucking act like it." I said sternly.

"I do love you!" Yoongi yelled at me. "But sometimes, I need a break.. from all of this overwhelming.. difference.." He said.

My heart dropped at those words and I felt my eyes sting with tears. What does he mean..?

What difference??


"I want to break up." He said as he looked away from me and sighed. My breathing got faster as I tried to inhale more air, but it felt like nothing was coming in. I felt the tears fall and slide down my cheek as my panic attack had started coming over me.

"Y-Yoongi.." I cried out to him. I grabbed his hands and put them up to my chest, but he pulled them away and walked towards the door and opened it without sparing a glance.

"I just need time to figure this out," He said to me as I sat on the floor in front of him. "We can still be friends, right?" He asked me.

I nodded my head harshly and tried to grab him, but it was too late. He closed the door.

I cried against the palms of my hands as I tried to catch a slower paced breath. Why did he just leave me? If he loves me, why did he just walk out so easily like that?

Is he hurt as well? Did I hurt him?

Am I the reason he left?


"Jungkookie, it's alright.." Jimin tried to comfort me. "Maybe he will realize what he's lost and he'll come back. Just give him some time, he's been going through a lot."

"B-But.." I said as I buried my face into his shoulder. "But I don't want it to be a 'maybe.' I want Yoon to come back home for sure.."

"Shh," Jimin said as he ran his hand through my hair softly. "I'm sure he will."

Silence took over for a moment as my tears finally dried up and I was merely laying on Jimin's lap as he looked down at me. "Did you know that you're my best friend?" He asked me. I looked up at him and sat up to be face to face with him.

"I didn't know that I was yours," I said. "But you're mine." I smiled at him. He pushed me lightly against the couch and laughed.

"Aw.. we're such losers." He laughed.

"Minie, the only loser here is you." I said. Jimin tackled me and laughed as I pushed him off of me easily and got on top of him. "You're a weak loser." I laughed as he pouted under me.

"That's not fair!" He whined. "You're strong."

"Duh," I chuckled. "How else would I get people's attention on me?" I asked.

"I bet it works a lot, doesn't it?" He laughed.

I got off of him and leaned up against the couch. "Thank you.." I said to him as he raised up and sat down next to me.

"For what?" He asked me.

"For being here for me."


"Minie!" I yelled from across the room, startling Jimin. "What?!" He yelled back just as excitedly, but sarcastically.

"Let's go to a bar tonight!" I said.

"Last time I went to a bar," Jimin paused for a second and shuddered. "They aren't fun."

"Too bad." I said as I picked him up and carried him to my bedroom.

"J-Jungkookie, let me go." Jimin said. I threw him on my bed and opened my closet.

"Wear this outfit." I said as I threw some clothes at him. He looked at me confused.

"I just said that-"

"We're leaving in twenty minutes." I said as I walked out of my bedroom to leave him to get dressed. Tonight will be fun.


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