Chapter 13

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It's been two weeks since I've heard from Jungkook. It's been two weeks since I told him to move on, even though I honestly didn't want him to. I miss him so much, but I can't let him know that. I love him.. but I want him to forget about me so badly that I've actually gotten caught up in my own stupid words.

My anxiety shouldn't have led me this far. It shouldn't have led me to the point that I would worry so easily about our relationship, but it just did. I was told that the anxiety could've been an outcome of always worrying about my dad's next move, and I agree somewhat.

I would always overthink about every single thing my dad would do. I would worry about never being found again and having to live the rest of my life locked up in a single room with my abusive father. He's in jail now, so why do I worry so much even after the fact?

The doctor told me I had anxiety disorder that caused me to stress and made me excessively worry and he told me that I should get rid of any stressful things in my life, so I tried to leave Jungkook. He wasn't stressful at all, I just for some damn reason thought he was.

In reality, I'm stressing myself out even more by leaving him. I can't sleep anymore, so I stay up all night crying and I hate crying, so I get mad at myself for it. It irritates me that one single person can have such an effect on me even when he wasn't the one who did anything.

I bang my head on the table, causing my coffee to shake on it. Why do I even come to this coffee shop? I should just stay in Hoseok's old room all day like I usually do and just sleep. I don't see the point in coming here at all.

I tilt my head to look at the counter only to see Jimin and Jungkook standing there in the line, getting ready to order. My eyes widen and I tear up at the sight. Jungkook and Jimin's hands were intertwined and they were laughing like children as they poked each other.

Are they.. together..?

They order their drinks and turn around only to lock eyes with me. I cleared the lump from my throat and sat up like a man before they walked over towards me, fingers still intertwined. "Hey Yoongs." Jimin said.

"Hi," I said quietly, my voice cracking.

"Can we sit here?" Jimin asked. I nodded my head and they both sat across from me and set their drinks on the table. "Do you remember when you used to work here?" Jimin laughed.

I smiled at the memory and nodded my head. "I remember this one guy pouring coffee on me and Namjoon kicked him out." I laughed.

"I remember you telling me that." Jungkook spoke up finally. Jimin looked at him and smiled up at him, then looked back at me.

"Didn't a teacher accidentally spill her drink on you one time, too?" Jimin laughed. I chuckled back and remembered a teacher falling over someone's bag and spilling her tea all over me and I was so mad at her, I swear..

  "Jin laughed at me for months after that." I pouted and looked down at my hands. "So, hows life, Jimin?" I asked him curiously.

  "Well, you know.." He cleared his throat.

  "Actually, we were coming here for a date." Jungkook said and leaned back in his chair. "You just happened to be in our normal spot."

  Date? Normal spot? As in..

  But.. this is where Jungkook and I used to sit at every day on my break. We used to sit here and talk for thirty minutes before I had to go back to work. This was our spot..

  "I-I'm Sorry.." I stuttered as I looked up at him and Jimin. "I'll.. just go.." I stood up.

  "No, Yoongs.." Jimin said sadly.

  "No, it's fine." I said to him. "Have fun."


  I've been crying under the blanket for hours. I can't help but let the tears run down my face as I picture Jungkook's hand locked with Jimin's again. He told me he wouldn't let Jimin come between our relationship.. but the thing is.. I'm the one who let it come between us, and now he's actually happy with Jimin.

  God, I must be fucking stupid!

  I should've never let things go to my head. I should've never left Jungkook and I shouldn't let anxiety mess with my life. Some nights I literally stay up and overthink everything possible. I get like thirty minutes of sleep every night and I worry about anything and everything possible. It's all my fault.

  I lost Jungkook and it's my fault.



  I sat on the bed and Jimin sat on me, straddling me. He ran his hands through my hair as we kissed and he pushed me down, making my head hit the bed. He pushed his ass against me as he started kissing my jaw and I wrapped my hands onto his hips as they moved slowly.

  Minie suddenly stopped kissing me and stopped grinding against me and he sat up with a weirdly regretful looking face. "I'm sorry," He said with a small frown. "We can't do this."

  He got off of me and sat next to me on the bed. I sat up and put my hand on his lower back, looking at him. He put his hands up to his face and sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked.

  "I- I really do love you, Jungkookie," Jimin said to me with a quiet voice. "But, I.. I think I just love you in a friendly way, honestly."

  "Minie, it's fine." I said with a smile. "Don't stress out so much about it, I've been hurt plenty of times before. I'm sure I can take anything by now, honestly." I laughed.

  Jimin chuckled and hit my arm. "Shut up, you dork. Don't joke like that." He said to me.

  "It's true!" I laughed louder.

  "I'm sorry that you've been hurt." Jimin sighed sadly. "I wish I could help you, and I wish Yoongi would stop being such a brat about everything, but just know that I still love you no matter what.. But don't quit fighting for the person you love, Jungkookie.." He smiled.

"I don't think I ever did quit fighting."


Once you sit here and think about the other book, this sequel gets 10x sadder.


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