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"Here is it Rin... The room we're the chaldea's masters are staying.." archer said opening the door for me

"Thank you archer" as I walk inside I see.. a young woman and a young man.. wearing white clothing.. and a purple haired woman in a armor... She's probably a servant.. but what class?.."so... Who's gonna tell me about everything???"

"That would probably me!" A voice out of no where.. I suddenly heard it

"Who's that!?"

"Calm down Rin... That's just dr.Roman of chaldea..." Archer said

"Hi Miss Rin! Its nice meeting you! You are a quite famous mage as Archer speaks!"

"Oh please..I never said she's famous.
.stop flattering her doctor.."

"Ahahahaha... Anyways... Let's talk about our current issue..."

"Alright...fill me in Dr. Roman.."

"First let me introduce this two! The boy's name is gudao the girl is gudako and that servant is mash a shielder class servant...

"Shielder?.. I haven't heard that before..."

"Apparently in other worlds.. there are more servant class that you guys didn't know Rin.." Archer butted in

"Right!" Dr Roman added

"Alright.. now.. why are you guys here?"

"Where here to fix this era miss tohsaka..." Roman said "we need to get the holy Grail that was affecting everything here"

"Well... Our own holy Grail has been destroyed... So our enemy must have his own holy Grail.. isn't it?"

"Yes miss tohsaka! You are truly a great magus!"

"Please Dr Roman... Don't flatter her..."

"Shut up Archer!!!! You're pissing me off!!!!" I shout at Archer

And I see the other three laughing at us


Takumi's POV

Me,Nero,and Miya got a lil hungry so we walk to the cafeteria,it's just a small area with tables and chairs and a little kitchen

When we walk inside lancer (cu chulain) and saber (artoria) eating there

"I miss your cooking shirou~"  artoria said while eating

Shirou giggles knowing that Archer is probably cooking for her but he's happy hearing that from saber

"I don't know if I would still call you kid, kid , your all grown up now "lancer said eating as well

"Umu! One plate for me!" Nero sits down

Me and miya sits down as well.. waiting for our food


Gilgamesh caster POV

Standing guard for attacker

"Mongrels.... They just let me stand on guard here... And that lancer leaves me here... That mongrel..."



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