Cu chulainn vs ferdiad

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Cu chulainn's POV

Our spear clashes 1 2 3 ... Our weapons classes we are using the same moves that we learned from our master Scathach..

"What's the matter cu!? Why aren't you fighting me seriously!?"

He's not right I was fighting him seriously I was surprised that he's this stong now...

I swipe my spear into side but he block it

"Why won't you use gae bolg!?"

I only use it as final resort...

Our battle is just like the old times when we fought each other in a war

He thrusted his spear and I Dodge it it's hard and easy at the same time..

I know his moves and he also knew his moves. .

He throw his spear into me and I deflected it while the spear is in the air he jump and grab it then uses the gravity to deal a powerful blow

But I block it but it leave a large crater into the ground

There's something wrong ferdiad has a increase of power did the mage that summon him strengthen him?

Ferdiad jump away from me and starts barages of attack every blow is heavy

I block with all my might.. I need to do something or else I might get defeated here..

As his spear is about to hit me I deflect it upwards now his body is open for a attack..

So I strike his chest with my spear but it was stopped .

His hands he catches my spear before it can even hit his chest

"I think I'm forgetting that you are still one of the greatest warriors of our time" I told him with a smirk

"Hah! I know this not only you can do!" The strike me with his spear targeting my head but then keep dodging it by weaving my head

I then let go of my spear and it surprise him after I kick him and he drop my spear

I pick up my spear quickly and ready to take the final blow but then when I'm about to stab his chest he quickly dodges and does a counter attack to my left side that I also quickly block

"I won't go down that easily! You know that cu!"

"I know!"

We are evenly match no one is winning if this keep up..

But then I remember.. that was I have in mind in our last battle.. an I ended up using gae bolg to him and killing him instantly

No.. I would not use gae bolg!

I push his spear back and attacks his with multiple thrust of my spear and looks like I landed a few hits

After that Im trying to finish the battle but ferdiad block it

"Cu chulainn!!" Ferdiad shouts and and ready to use a stance that scathach taught us...

It's a deadly stance and one wrong move you'll die...

I make the stance as well and ready my attack

Then we both charge at each other

And in the end...

I win..

Ferdiad only hits my shoulder but my attack goes first to his chest by luck

Just a bit he would've take off my arm

Ferdiad falls so I catch him... And he starts fading

"Cu... Why didn't you use gae bolg..."

"Ferdiad..I always thought.. you are a greater fighter... And that I cheated when I use gae bolg that time..."

"Haha.. you never change ..but I'm satisfied now... Cu.."

Ferdiad fades in thin air .. I stand up and look at the tower ..

I wonder if the others are alright...


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