Running out of time

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Miya's POV

The shield... It's name is aegis.. the shield of the goddess protected us from the blast...takumi
.. how can he use such a thing?

After the laser stops,a crater.. a big hole in the ground was made... If we didn't stop that the world would've ended..

"We have no time ! We need to stop that thing!" Takumi shouts

"But how?" Gudao ask

"That thing is floating in the sky " gudako said

"I don't know .." takumi said..

"What about we fly " I said looking at them

I know it's absurd but..

"We'll use aircraftsn!"

"No the anti aircraft magic would just shot us down..." Mika said.. and it's true..

"Stand back master...", Gilgamesh (caster) said as he cast his Noble Phantasm "melammu dingir!"

This magic,it's like the walls of uruk merge from the ground and fires multiple blast at the flying tower destroying some parts of it but it isn't enough...

"If only I can use ea..." Gilgamesh said as he saw that the damage isn't enough..

"It's enough king of heroes...let us finish this off..." Archer said as he summons his bow "let's do this.. emiya shirou..."

Shirou san and archer aims at the flying tower

Would this be enough..

"Everyone!" I looked at takumi who was holding his sword... "Protect them at all cost! "

I look around and monsters starts appearing around us,surrounding us..

I drop my rifle and pull out my double pistol

And looks like gudao,the male Chaldean master orders his servants "mashu use your shield to protect the two emiyas!"

Mashu nods and raises her shield

"Artoria! Cu! Fight the enemies up close!"

"You got it!" Cu shouts before running up to the enemies with artoria

"Gilgamesh! Help the emiyas!" Gudako orders as well "and Nero! Help takumi San!"

"Umu!" Nero run towards our group "let's work together miya! We'll talk about our love situation after all of this!" She should with a smile and full of confidence

And what does she mean love situa- "no! It's not like that Nero! "

"Umu umu! It's fine! I know you have feelings towards my praetor...and you know I can't stay with him .. I will allow you to be his wife! Now rejoice!"

"What are you guys talking about!?" Takumi looks at us blushing "this isn't the time about that!"

Mika laughs "I miss you saber! That's totally you! "

"Umu! I'm glad to fight along side you again mikaela! And also you Ryu!"

"I'm surprised you even remember me saber..." Ryu said revealing his master arm by taking off the cloth covering it

"So this saber is the Captain's servant..." Kaito Said as he kick one of the monster followed by Lilith's knives "she's pretty cute"


"What's wrong lilith chan?" Kaito ask

"I'm cuter than that Nero woman..."

"That's your problem!!?."


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